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Happy First day of Summer

Rye Miles #13621

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I like Sly and the Family Stone's version but this one's not bad!


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Mixed feelings.


The longest daylight hours of the year, but it’s also the birthday of my late friend and racing partner who’s gone too soon.  More’n twenty-five years now and I still feel lousy about it on this day.

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2 minutes ago, Cypress Sun said:


Always liked that tune!!:)

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1 hour ago, Cypress Sun said:



I've never figured out why they were singing about Constantinople.


1 hour ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

Always liked that tune!!:)


Most of their music is pretty good.  

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Here in Sacramento, as we enter the Hinges of Hell™ season, the thought of winter on the way brings a smile.


We keep wondering when the blast will occur... so far it appears to have chosen TX instead of us.
Most unusual, but we are truly enjoying the less torrid (so far) summer.

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Longest day of the year.

Tomorrow it'll be behind us.

We'll be on that long downhill slide into WINTER!

Frost giants are greasing their boots, Tarquin is looking down the long icy slope into winter's dark, plotting how best to visit upon us snow and ice and utter, frozen, DOOOOOOOOOM!!!

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all i can ever think about is now the days are getting shorter - not fond of that thought , but then i live where winter is all of five months long and someth=imes a bit longer than that - had someone today mention we could get snow most anytime - would be a good laugh but its too nearly truth , 

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