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Spoonbill Season has Started

Smoken D

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It's that time of year for Warsaw, Mo. Good eaten fish especially this one at 100#



Spoonbill 2021.jpg

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We called those paddlefish when we caught them up in Montana. They are delicious.

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ive heard them called both , they are not easy to catch as they are bottom feeders that sift the sediment for their food , most use a big treble and snag , kinda like sturgeon up in ND/MT 

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You're cooking them better than I.  I quit fishing for them because I thought they tasted terrible.

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Heavy lead weights are used to hold the hooks at snagging depth.  Several years ago I found a good buy on some weights at a tackle store going out of business.  They melted down into casting ingots and I’m still shooting them.

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