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Special THANKS to Red Knee

Widder, SASS #59054

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A Special thanks to my good friend Red Knee who was instrumental in helping raise close to $500

as his part of the Cancer fund raiser at the TN State this year.


I know that some enjoy our banter on the Wire..... and others may not.   But our goal was to bring more

attention to CANCER and help raise some good $$$ in the fight against it.


Sure, we both (along with others) wanted to win the speed 97 side match.   But the REAL GOAL was to

bring attention to the Cancer fund raiser, even if it meant making us both look crazy to those that don't 

know us   (of course, those that know us already know we are crazy).


He, along with Christian Hammer, traveled a good distance from Oklahoma to be a significant part in

this years fund raiser and I'm grateful for that..... plus, it was good to shoot with him all weekend.


You're a good friend..... and a darn good 97 shooter.  








Contrary to popular belief, Red Knee and Widder are both stand up guys. They raised a good bit of money for a real good cause. Not only that, but they provide pretty good comic relief too. 


Good job guys


My own special thanks to both Red Knee and Widder, as well as Randy St.Eagle and the many others who participated in and arranged the fund raising effort!!


I'm the other half to Shotgun Schoolmarm, a five year cancer survivor as of this coming Thanksgiving!!  She might not be here if not for people like you who dedicate a portion of their time and their hard earned dollars to cancer research and treatment!!








the guy who's responsible for all this is the one who several years ago posted a video of himself shootin a 97 blazing fast.  I saw the video and thought, dang I gotta meet this guy, and I gotta beat this guy. I then saw where he was signed up to be at Hellfire in Louisiana. 


Upon arriving at Hellfire, I walked straight up to the 97 sidematch, found him, introduced myself and told him that he was the reason I was there and I was there to beat him.  Well, that day I got my butt royally kicked by the guy that I think is one of, if not the fastest 97 shooters to ever play the game.  And ever since then, I've been chasin' that guy all over the place tryin' to whoop him. 


Part of the beauty of our sport is that we get to meet people that we may never have crossed paths with otherwise....that person, I now call my friend.....Widder(I also call him lots of other things):)


Widder is the reason "the bounty" was created and funds were raised for the fight against cancer.


Red Knee







Widder and Red Knee your BOTH standup fellas in my book!


It was a lot of fun to watch these two go at it and as mentioned previously they're both great guys who spent an entire day entertaining us and raising funds for such a worthy cause. Best $50 I've ever spent.



Kind words.... Thanks Red Knee.

I wasn't gonna reply but I think this tidbit of advise might help you:


I think you might be getting to old for some of these speed events..... :D




7 minutes ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:

Kind words.... Thanks Red Knee.

I wasn't gonna reply but I think this tidbit of advise might help you:


I think you might be getting to old for some of these speed events..... :D




That or those Zebra skin chaps are really slowing him down!!


I like the banter between the 2 of you ..always get a laugh & ya' both are dang fine shooters with them 97's.  !!


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