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SASS Clubs in Orlando area

Widder, SASS #59054

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There is a SLIGHT chance that Slater and I might be in the Orlando, FL area

the 1st weekend of November.


Any clubs in that area, and any info ya want to share, such as the type, style, etc... of the club











Widder ain't gonna have time fer CAS.  Too busy with Mouse Safari I betcha  :rolleyes:


Naturally, I have NO CLUE about CAS clubs in the Orlando area but I have stayed at a DISNEY RESORT!!  Which probably won't help Widder with his original quest.  November is Food and Wine Festival at Epcot.  Yum yum


Howdy  JEDI CC.

Actually, no Disney for me.  its more of a business trip for a Thursday, Friday thing.

And fin there is a good Cowboy match close by on Saturday, we might drop in before

cruising back to TN.





Weewahootee Vigilance Committee

1st Saturday of the month.


Good shoot. Used to be close to home.

Not sure if they still do food after.

Used to be BYOB too.




Weewahootee Vigilance Committeer match info match is the first Saturday.  My home club.  Bootless Bob gave the clickable website for match info.  Be good to see you again!

2 hours ago, Bootless Bob said:


This club shoots first saturday of the month, they are closest to Orlando


If you want to drive a bit you gots lots of choices, see attachment.



SASS Florida Shooting Schedule Matrix 7-26-19.pdf 300.55 kB · 1 download

So glad to see this is helping people.  

5 hours ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:

There is a SLIGHT chance that Slater and I might be in the Orlando, FL area

the 1st weekend of November.


Any clubs in that area, and any info ya want to share, such as the type, style, etc... of the club







Hey Widder here is the full schedule for when and where everyone shoots.  


ASN https://actionshootingnetwork.com/blog/65/sass-florida-monthly-match-schedule/

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/notes/sass-florida/sass-florida-monthly-match-schedule/1165240240321094/

I will attached the contact and range info as a pdf.  Let me know if you have any questions or need more info.  

SASS Florida Monthly Match Schedule 9.20.19.pdf


heck, I may have to head up for that!!



I'm reading all the post and information.   Thanks.


If we head that way, I will surely advertise.   I've met and shot with many a good Florida pard

over the years and wouldn't want to pass up a good opportunity to shoot with them again.


I'll keep ya informed.


Thanks for all the good info.


P.S. - Hey JEDI Wyatt,   I always keep some fresh PNut Butter lube for my friends..... :lol:





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