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Another PET PEEVE: Bass Pro ad

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You would think that an outfit like Bass Pro could do better.


But instead of getting an email advertisement for something 'worthy', they sent me a notice they are having a special sale on.............




Do they think anyone is gonna rush to their front doors for a BEACH TOWEL sale?


Give me a break!




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Beach towels are great to use for wiping up spilled gun cleaning solvent.



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1 minute ago, Dantankerous said:

Beach towels are great to use for wiping up spilled gun cleaning solvent.




You might have a good point.   I actually use a beach towel to spread across my tail gate for my guns and ammo when I go out plinking.




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Yup. I use a thick white beach towel spread over the table when I disassemble a firearm for cleaning. I do not lose parts and I protect the table surface that way.

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The ad is working!




I'm headed to my local Cabela's today for beach towel shopping now. I wonder if they'll price match with their new parent company?



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33 minutes ago, Dantankerous said:

Yup. I use a thick white beach towel spread over the table when I disassemble a firearm for cleaning. I do not lose parts and I protect the table surface that way.


+1 but mine is multicolored.

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26 minutes ago, Dantankerous said:



The ad is working!




I'm headed to my local Cabela's today for beach towel shopping now. I wonder if they'll price match with their new parent company?



Rather buy from Cabelas any day!

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I live just a few miles from a Bass Pro. They have their 3 gun case on sale and may have ta pick up a beach towel or two, clothes, fudge, cinammon roasted cashews. Now when I need powder and primers I just drive right on bye and go 10 miles further to Sportsman Warehouse.


   I've got it pretty good.

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I painted our basement white when we had our house built.

A concrete colored floor, even smooth textured, is variegated enough in color to perfectly camouflage small parts, especially the infamous Jesus springs.

(You've probably found them before.  You're tearing something down, something goes BINNGGG and the spring launches off to who-knows-where and you talk to Jesus about it!)

A white floor will help you find such wayward parts.

When Dan Tankerous spoke of spreading out such a nice friendly towel to keep parts from ... well ... to keep them little parts right where you set 'em, I could not help but think that's a right good idea and by golly I'm gonna adopt his fine and shining idea!

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