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Golfing Legend Gone at 87

Texas Lizard

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Grew up watching him golf on Sunday afternoon. Another great one gone.

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A great one! R.I.P.

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Everyone who held a golf club in the '60s fantasized about playing like Arnie. I can't remember anyone ever saying anything negative about him, even the guys who lost to him.

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A friend of mine was golfing in Florida. They were on the last hole by the clubhouse. His buddy missed a putt and started cussing and stomping. Suddenly someone spoke up and said, "Just be thankful that you are above the grass and not under it." They turned around and Arnie was walking away.


Rest in peace.

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when I was 8, I started playing golf. And Arnie (and his Army) were just like the Pied Piper to me. I loved him. God Bless and RIP!


Hoss C.

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