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SASS Southwest Regional Championship Red Dirt Rampage

Flat Top Okie

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Hello Everyone,


Now that Land Run 2016 and the 2016 Oklahoma State Wild Bunch Championship are behind us, it is time to for all our shooting friends to start making plans to join us in October for the Southwest Regional Championship. We look forward to another great match and we expect everyone to have a great time. The entry forms are on our web site. Look at the Oklahoma Territorial Marshals. Hope to see you soon.




Flat Top Okie

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I'll definitely be there Okie. Y'all put on great matches.


Fingers (Show Me MO smoke) MGee


Already have my entry in and can't wait!


I do hope my wife and I can get off work to attend this match. It will be the last one of the year before I winterize the travel trailer.


Hi Canby,


Just let me know if you need me to send a note to her boss. I am sure that I can make it look very official.


Flat Top


Hi Canby,


Just let me know if you need me to send a note to her boss. I am sure that I can make it look very official.


Flat Top

Could you send a note to my bosses too? That would be awesome! In all honesty I am hoping to make this match, will be first time for me to shoot at your range. Really looking forward to it!


Hi All,


Sending excuse notices to bosses, spouses and parole officers is just one of the many duties of match directors.


Flat Top


Nana Quilter and I will be there, your two Regional matches are the highlight of our year. Will send in app soon as we get back from EOT.


Hi Southpaw,


Mae and I will be watching for your entries and look forward to seeing you both.


Flat Top


Hi All,


Mae and I entered applications last night, so everyone who has sent his entry should have received confirmation by e-mail. If you have mailed entry and not received confirmation, please call.




Flat Top


Hello Everyone,


Yesterday, at our monthly match, we had a couple out of state shooters who are planning to shoot the Southwest Regional but had never shot at our range.

They wanted to see what the range was like to help them prepare for the Regional. For those of you that would also like to visit us before the Regional, we shoot the 2nd Saturday

and the 4th Sunday of every month. We welcome any and all of you might like to join us.




Flat Top Okie


Hi Hyman,


Glad to hear it. We love to have you fellas come down and shoot with us.


Flat Top


Hello All,


Just four months until Southwest Regional (Red Dirt Rampage). We hope to see you all in Oklahoma. If you didn't know, our region is currently comprised of Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas,

Louisiana and Mississippi. But everyone is welcome.

Please send entries as soon as possible.




Flat Top


This is an exceptional venue. The team that puts the shoot on is outstanding. The banquet is top notch. Lots of gun giveaways. I highly recommend this match. If you're on the fence about going, get your entry in. As a bonus, I hear that Mongo occasionally shows up.


Hi Huckleberry,


Thanks for the kind words. We always look forward to seeing you and your family.


Flat Top


I went down a few weeks back with several Kansas Pards to shoot a monthly and check out your range. I had a great time, great range...and the folks are super nice! Got my app for Red Dirt Rampage filled out and ready to go, just waiting on the paycheck that offers the extra funds for the entry fee. ;). But I sure plan on attending!


Major Art Tillery


Hi Major,


We sure enjoyed meeting you and shooting with you. You can send your entry form now and your check later. We look forward to seeing you again.


Flat Top


Hello All,


Mae and I entered and confirmed all of the applications we have received last night. If you have entered but have not received your confirmation by e-mail, please notify us.

It is less than four months until the match, so please send your application as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you all.




Flat Top


Hi Major,


We sure enjoyed meeting you and shooting with you. You can send your entry form now and your check later. We look forward to seeing you again.


Flat Top

That would be great! I will send it off tomorrow, then follow up with a check when I can. I appreciate it.


Major Art Tillery


Hello All,


Anyone else out there who would like to send their entry in now and pay later, feel free to do it. I can't think of any group that I would trust more than SASS Cowboy and cowgirls.




Flat Top


Rock Rotten will definitely be there. Sendind app & payment in this week


Hi Rock,


we look forward to seeing you. Is your whole clan coming or is that brother of yours still scared to shoot against you?


Flat Top


Should be every last one of us! Work will not get in my way this time Flat Top.


Hello Everyone,


Mae and I will be entering applications this evening so if you mailed your recently, you should receive your confirmation e-mail tonight. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.




Flat Top


Hi All,


All applications received as of July 18th have been entered with confirmations sent. Thanks to all of you.

If you have mailed your application and have not received confirmation, please call or e-mail Missouri Mae.




Flat Top


Hello Everyone,


We received applications from Whiskey Kid and his group yesterday. We are glad to have you folks shoot with us again. We will be entering applications again Wednesday night

so look for your confirmation to be sent then.




Flat Top



We are always glad to have a real live hero among us and I assume one of those three is your lovely trophy wife. I truly believe you and I both got better than we deserve.

Flat Top


FTO, I've had TWO completed applications here on my desk for over 2 months....

One for Frontier Cartridge & One for Silver Senior.


I can't decide which one I want to shoot...... :huh::huh::huh::huh:


I guess I'll just grab one and send it......

If I change my mind between now & then I can switch when I show up.... Rite??????


Well, almost, I do need a little time to make sure awards are right, badges, packets, etc. etc.. You can let me know one week before, by then we'll have posted a shooter list with categories so you check out your competition.


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