Missouri Mae Posted October 5, 2015 Posted October 5, 2015 Today's your last chance to mail your application!!
Missouri Mae Posted October 5, 2015 Posted October 5, 2015 I've had two calls in last two days...Yes, you need permission to use a golf cart during the match. Please call me if you did not submit a request form with your application. 405-373-1472
Flat Top Okie Posted October 6, 2015 Author Posted October 6, 2015 Hi All, Â If, for some reason you have not mailed your application and you want to attend, call Mae 405-373-1472 or e-mail me at jr@unitedmech.com today. We don't want anyone to miss the opportunity to shoot the first ever Southwest Regional held in Oklahoma. Two years ago when we celebrated Land Run's twentieth anniversary, we had several shooters who had never missed Land Run. I would like to see Red Dirt Rampage be a match that shooters will look forward to each year. Thanks for all your support. Â Flat Top
Oklahoma Dee Posted October 7, 2015 Posted October 7, 2015 If your not making this shoot, your missin out big dog day!
Hurricane Deck 100366 Posted October 7, 2015 Posted October 7, 2015 Final Posse assignments / shooter list can be found here: http://cowboy.okcgunclub.org/reddirt/Forms/final%20shooter%20list.pdf  I've taken the list and sorted by posse and category, then pasted it here for easy reference. I'm just a shooter in the match, so questions need to be directed to the MD's. If I've managed to screw up someones name or category during translation, please accept my apologies BUT: refer to the main list referenced above BEFORE you contact the MD's. chances are, they have it right.  Please refer to the official Red Dirt Rampage website at http://cowboy.okcgunclub.org/reddirt/reddirt.html if you have questions or need to make contact.  Our Match Directors Flat Top Okie and Missouri Mae have done a first rate job of putting this inaugural match together. Thank you both!  POSSE LIST - please see site above for 'Official' list. Alias Posse Category Title # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Burly Bill 1 FC Gunfighter Posse Deputy # Broncho Red 1 Classic Cowboy Posse Marshal # Catoosa Red 1 Lady Gunfighter Scoring # Idaho Sue 1 Lady Senior Scoring # Maj. Forsyth 1 Sr Gunfighter Scoring # Stonewall 1 Cattle Baron # Lucinda Tincup 1 Classic Cowgirl # Cal Cogburn 1 Elder Statesman # Moonshine 1 Elder Statesman # Marshal Halloway 1 49er # Sheriff T.C. Law 1 49er # Trooper Travis Tyree 1 49er # Snoot Fuller 1 FC Duelist # Marshal`ette Halloway 1 Lady Senior # Choctaw Jim 1 Senior Duelist # Ricochet Ron 1 Senior Duelist # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Blind Bob 2 Senior Posse Deputy # Shady McLarry 2 Classic Cowboy Posse Marshal # Chula Kat 2 Classic Cowgirl Scoring # Hot Tamale 2 Classic Cowgirl Scoring # Sidewinder Sid 2 49er Scoring # Rock Rotten 2 Gunfighter Scoring # Rusty Remington 2 Gunfighter Scoring # Krazy Legs Kay 2 LSr Gunfighter Scoring # Luna Blue 2 Lady Wrangler Scoring # Short Tree 2 Cattle Baron # A. Paul Lingshot 2 Cowboy # Two Gun Johnnie 2 49er # Hawkshaw Fred 2 Gunfighter # Red River Raider 2 Senior # Goatneck Clem 2 Silver Senior # Lefty Wheeler 2 Silver Senior # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Ninety Caliber 3 Senior Duelist Posse Deputy # Nichols Creek Ranger 3 Frontiersman Posse Marshal # Black Water Bruce 3 Classic Cowboy Scoring # Buckshot Baby 3 LSr Gunfighter Scoring # Crooked Creek 3 Senior Duelist Scoring # Cap`n Highpockets 3 Cattle Baron # Ace Hanlon 3 Elder Statesman # Quick Trigger 3 Elder Statesman # Major Missalot 3 Frontiersman # Monco 3 Frontiersman # Cajun 3 Gunfighter # Better Half 3 LSS # Lonestar Lucy 3 Lady Wrangler # Irish Tom 3 Senior # Greasy Creek Slim 3 Silver Senior # Tombstone Todd 3 Wrangler # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Texas Ghost 4 Classic Cowboy Posse Deputy # Doc O`bay 4 Duelist Posse Marshal # Christian Hammer 4 49er Scoring # Yankee Texan 4 Lady 49er Scoring # Sixkiller, US Marshal 4 B Western # El Viejo 4 Elder Statesman # Wes Beckett U.S. Marshal 4 Elder Statesman # Mad Dog McCoy 4 FC Duelist # Caprock Leatherneck 4 Frontiersman # Lady Ghost 4 Grande Dame # I B Real Slow 4 Lady Senior # I B Slow 4 Senior # Mesquite Ranger 4 Senior # Texas Boden 4 Senior # Hyman Oldcowhand 4 Senior Duelist # John Henry Ledbetter 4 Senior Duelist # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Badly Bent 6 49er Posse Deputy # Fort Hays Preacher 6 Gunfighter Posse Deputy # Stoney Cahill 6 Duelist Posse Marshal # Green Hill Bart 6 B Western Scoring # Hurricane Deck 6 Cowboy Scoring # Zeke Proctor 6 Elder Statesman Scoring # Ghost Rider Bob 6 Classic Cowboy # Cherokee Miss 6 Cowgirl # Territory Kid 6 49er # The Wichita Southpaw 6 49er # Road Runner 6 FC Duelist # Bashful Kate 6 Lady B Western # Della 6 Lady 49er # Nana Quilter 6 Lady 49er # Oklahoma Krazy Kat 6 Lady Wrangler # Purdy Tall 6 Young Gun Girl # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Hondo Tweed 7 Gunfighter Posse Deputy # Loansome Buck 7 Gunfighter Posse Marshal # Buffdriver 7 Duelist Scoring # Riverside Burns 7 Gunfighter Scoring # Loansome Dough 7 Lady 49er Scoring # Speed Wagon 7 Elder Statesman # Widowmaker Ashley 7 Elder Statesman # Hamley 7 49er # John Elder 7 49er # Lazy Tom Katt 7 49er # Mezcal Mike 7 49er # Rowdy Cowboy 7 49er # Yusta B 7 FC # Sentry 7 Silver Senior # Tangier Kid 7 Silver Senior # Pinewood Kid 7 Wrangler # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Phantom 8 Cowboy Posse Deputy # Whiskey Kid 8 Wrangler Posse Marshal # Tres Equis 8 Cowboy Scoring # Spur Broke 8 Cowgirl Scoring # Colorado Jackson 8 49er Scoring # Ain`t Dunit 8 FC Scoring # Buckeye Slim 8 49er # Joe Darter 8 49er # Two Spurs 8 49er # Silver Sam 8 FC # Panhandle Cowgirl 8 Lady B Western # Sunny Spurs 8 Lady 49er # Czexican Dave 8 Senior # Marshal Kidd 8 Silver Senior # Forty Dawg Kid 8 Wrangler # Sixshot 8 Wrangler # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Butch Holden 9 Elder Statesman Posse Deputy # Texas Slim 9 B Western Posse Marshal # Rusty Cuffs 9 FC Scoring # Lil McGill 9 Lady B Western Scoring # Green Eyed Brazos Belle 9 Lady Duelist Scoring # Kow Katcher 9 LSr Duelist Scoring # Angel Fire Rush 9 Buckarette # Quirt Dunn 9 Cattle Baron # Kris Kaliber 9 Cowboy # Wild Flower Rush 9 Cowgirl # MacMurtrie 9 FC Duelist # Blue Mesa 9 Frontiersman # Yosemite Jim 9 Frontiersman # Bent Barrel Betty 9 Lady 49er # Crooked Bullet 9 Sr Gunfighter # Only Chance 9 Wrangler # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Justice Lily Kate 11 LSr Duelist Posse Deputy # Texas Jack Daniels 11 FC Gunfighter Posse Marshal # Texas Flower 11 Grande Dame Scoring # Aspen Filly 11 Lady B Western Scoring # Shotglass 11 Classic Cowgirl # Doc Phoenix 11 49er # Cowtown Scout 11 FC Duelist # Tex 11 FC Gunfighter # Thunder Man 11 FC Gunfighter # Cat Ballou 11 Grande Dame # Six Goin South 11 Lady 49er # Longbranch Kitty 11 LSS # Kickshot 11 Senior # Texas Mean Gene 11 Senior # Texas Mac 11 Senior Duelist # Buffalo Bill Mathewson 11 Sr Gunfighter # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Guthrie Kid 12 Cowboy Partial Pre-Shooter # Texas Gunslinger 12 Elder Statesman Posse Deputy # Texita Draw 12 49er Posse Deputy # Tennessee Star 12 Cattle Baron Scoring # Ms. Laurie Darlin 12 Lady Wrangler Scoring # Pistol Packin` Pami 12 Lady Wrangler Scoring # Captain Allyn Capron 12 Cattle Baron # Gol` Durn Varmint 12 Cattle Baron # Manny Clements 12 Elder Statesman # Texas Jack Starr 12 Elder Statesman # Indian Lover 12 49er # Jake Cutter 12 49er # Peacemaker Mike 12 49er # Red River Regulator 12 49er # Snake River Bill 12 49er # Ima QuikShot 12 Lady 49er # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Capt Jim Midnight 13 49er Posse Deputy # Ozark Outlaw 13 Cattle Baron Posse Marshal # Shootin Fox 13 B Western Scoring # Deadwood Woody 13 Classic Cowboy Scoring # Sassy Teton Lady 13 LSr Duelist Scoring # Paola Slick 13 Cattle Baron # Dusty Dustem 13 Cowboy # Bertie Winchester 13 Cowgirl # Rusty Rider 13 Duelist # Ozark Red 13 Grande Dame # Dusty Dee 13 Lady Gunfighter # Cooncan 13 Lady Senior # Bluff Creek Gilbert 13 Senior # Cowboy Jake 13 Senior # Marshal Gunnison 13 Senior # Doc Dag 13 Senior Duelist # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Huckleberry Pace 14 Wrangler Posse Deputy # The Tonic Kid 14 Classic Cowboy Posse Marshal # Okie Fenokie 14 Cowgirl Scoring # Hairtrigger Hayes 14 Duelist Scoring # Longhandle Slim 14 Duelist Scoring # Ozark Captain 14 Senior Duelist Scoring # Little Rebel 14 Buckaroo # Printer Doc 14 Cattle Baron # Okie Blue Rose 14 Cowgirl # Notso Slim 14 Duelist # Doc Tic Toc 14 Elder Statesman # Kangaroo Pete 14 Elder Statesman # Copper Rose 14 Grande Dame # Ozark Annie 14 LSS # Complicated Lady 14 Lady Wrangler # Omaha John 14 Senior Duelist # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Creek County Kid 16 Cowboy Posse Deputy # Scott Wayne 16 Wrangler Posse Marshal # High Plains HUD 16 Classic Cowboy Scoring # Eldorado Wayne 16 FC Gunfighter Scoring # Annie Hickok 16 LSS Scoring # Mace The Ace 16 Buckaroo # Blackwater Bob 16 Elder Statesman # Fast Fingers Green 16 Elder Statesman # Fingers McGee 16 Frontiersman # Baby Ruth 16 Grande Dame # Matt Valentine 16 Silver Senior # Montana Dan 16 Silver Senior # Non-Stop 16 Silver Senior # Snake Oil George 16 Silver Senior # Red Knee 16 Wrangler # Annie`s Shadow 16 Young Gun Girl # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Dakota Doc 17 Cattle Baron Posse Deputy # Wild Horse John 17 FC Duelist Posse Marshal # Texas Cutie 17 Buckarette Scoring # Oklahoma Dee 17 49er Scoring # Cactus Kay 17 Grande Dame Scoring # Riphawk 17 Cattle Baron # Iron Tomahawk Kid 17 Duelist # Parson Delacroix 17 FC # Harry S Webb 17 FC Duelist # Tame Bill 17 FC Duelist # Brazos Valley Kid 17 Frontiersman # The Brisco Kid 17 Frontiersman # Fairbanks Sam 17 Gunfighter # Calamity Di Bar 17 Lady 49er # Kiamichi Queen 17 LSr Duelist # Diamond Kate 17 Young Gun Girl # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Dirt Dart 18 Senior Duelist Posse Deputy # Naildriver 18 49er Posse Marshal # Little Nocona One Shot 18 Cowgirl Scoring # Outrider 18 FC Gunfighter Scoring # Daisy Dee 18 Lady 49er Scoring # Mimsey 18 Lady 49er Scoring # Gunz Brokus 18 Sr Gunfighter Scoring # Trail Agent 18 Wrangler Scoring # Trooper Dick 18 Cattle Baron # Boomstick Jay 18 Cowboy # Elle Wood 18 Cowgirl # Tail N Kid 18 Elder Statesman # Calloway 18 FC Gunfighter # Rowdy Bob 18 Frontiersman # Ambler 18 Silver Senior # Spitoon Paul 18 Silver Senior # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Holy Smoke Harmon 19 B Western Posse Deputy # Bulldog McGraw 19 FC Duelist Posse Marshal # Peddler Parsons 19 FC Duelist Scoring # Cheeka Bow Wow 19 Lady Wrangler Scoring # C. S. Brady 19 Wrangler Scoring # Cowpolk 19 Wrangler Scoring # Jayhawk Jerry 19 Cattle Baron # Caddo Kid 19 Elder Statesman # Nickel Outlaw 19 49er # Trego Kid 19 49er # Black River Jack 19 FC Duelist # Lefty Lin 19 LSr Duelist # Silver Desperado 19 Senior # Mack Hacker 19 Senior Duelist # Bart Solo 19 Silver Senior # Vallian 19 Wrangler # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Flat Top Okie 21 B Western Match Director # Missouri Mae 21 Lady Wrangler Match Director # Landers 21 Elder Statesman Scoring # Fort Worth Dallas 21 Cattle Baron # Gun A Do It 21 49er # K. D. Steel 21 49er # Rock Slide 21 FC # Bois D`Arc 21 FC Duelist # Gunkiller 21 FC Gunfighter # Highland Scottie 21 Lady 49er # Lady Roadrunner 21 Lady 49er # Champagne Rose 21 Lady Senior # Sagebrush Sadie 21 Lady Senior # Marley Belle 21 LSS # Tacky Jackie 21 LSS # Roy`s Creek Dan 21 Senior # Prince Charles 21 Sr Gunfighter # Half Rack 21 Silver Senior # C. R. Hickok 21 Young Gun
Flat Top Okie Posted October 7, 2015 Author Posted October 7, 2015 Hi All, Â I believe Mae got the stages posted also. Check the web site. We look forward to seeing all of you. Â Flat Top
Flat Top Okie Posted October 8, 2015 Author Posted October 8, 2015 Hi All, Â I thought you might be interested in the final shooter tally by state. Â Alabama 2 Arkansas 29 Colorado 3 Florida 3 Iowa 1 Kansas 22 Michigan 2 Minnesota 1 Missouri 13 Mississippi 1 Nebraska 6 New Mexico 3 Oklahoma 91 Texas 97 Wyoming 2 Â Flat Top
Mack Hacker, #60477 Posted October 8, 2015 Posted October 8, 2015 Hi All, Â I thought you might be interested in the final shooter tally by state. Â Alabama 2 Arkansas 29 Colorado 3 Florida 3 Iowa 1 Kansas 22 Michigan 2 Minnesota 1 Missouri 13 Mississippi 1 Nebraska 6 New Mexico 3 Oklahoma 91 Texas 97 Wyoming 2 Â Flat Top Wow!!! Â Nobody from Louisiana???? Â Where is Slick and the gang?
Dewey Cheatem, SASS #75620 Posted October 8, 2015 Posted October 8, 2015 It's killing me not getting to shoot this match. Good luck to my friends. Â DC
Outrider, SASS #72622 Posted October 8, 2015 Posted October 8, 2015 Wow!!! Â Nobody from Louisiana???? Â Where is Slick and the gang? I wondered the same. And only 1 from MS?
Bois D'Arc, SASS # 27951 Posted October 9, 2015 Posted October 9, 2015 It's killing me not getting to shoot this match. Good luck to my friends. Â DC Â Â It's killing me not getting to shoot this match. Good luck to my friends. Â DC You'll be missed, Dewey. Wish you were going to be here.
Cowtown Scout, SASS #53540 L Posted October 10, 2015 Posted October 10, 2015 How much ammo for main match? Hey Dee All the stages are posted on their web site. They include the round counts for each of the 10 stages. Scout
Missouri Mae Posted October 10, 2015 Posted October 10, 2015 Thanks Scout, been gone to dinner. Anyway, it's 100 each for rifle and pistol and 40 shotgun. Don't forget side matches and the top gun shoot-off.
Bois D'Arc, SASS # 27951 Posted October 13, 2015 Posted October 13, 2015 Yes, it is almost here and I feel like a kid waiting on Christmas. Campers have started arriving. The Match Directors are seeing to those last minute details and the fun is about to begin. What I love about SASS shoots most is getting to spend time with the people. SASS is absolutely packed with the greatest people in the world and there are many coming I have not yet met. I hope to meet as many new folks as possible and the time spent with old friends is priceless. My wish is that all of our guests will have a wonderful fun filled weekend and return safely home, wanting to come back again.
Jackaroo, # 29989 Posted October 13, 2015 Posted October 13, 2015 Good shooting to all, we sure miss not being there, Jack n Kat ( from downunder)
Mack Hacker, #60477 Posted October 13, 2015 Posted October 13, 2015 How late may I arrive on Wed and depend on someone to be there to direct me to my RV spot?
Missouri Mae Posted October 13, 2015 Posted October 13, 2015 Most are club members are campers, so we'll all be there. We're the group parked directly across from the gate, just honk or come a knockin.
Aspen Filly 50535 Posted October 13, 2015 Posted October 13, 2015 Sorry posse 11....but Aspen Filly is sicker than a dog and has to stay home!!! This decission is killing me, cuz I really hate to miss the shooting part!!! Hopefully we can shoot together down the trail!
Missouri Mae Posted October 13, 2015 Posted October 13, 2015 Most are club members are campers, so we'll all be there. We're the group parked directly across from the gate, just honk or come a knockin.
Mack Hacker, #60477 Posted October 13, 2015 Posted October 13, 2015 Most are club members are campers, so we'll all be there. We're the group parked directly across from the gate, just honk or come a knockin. Thanks  I plan to be there before dark, but there are always unexpected delays when Lefty Lin is with me.  I am sure none of my friends will tell her I posted that.
Cowtown Scout, SASS #53540 L Posted October 13, 2015 Posted October 13, 2015 Good shooting to all, we sure miss not being there, Jack n Kat ( from downunder) Â And you will both be missed for sure.
Cowtown Scout, SASS #53540 L Posted October 13, 2015 Posted October 13, 2015 Sorry posse 11....but Aspen Filly is sicker than a dog and has to stay home!!! This decission is killing me, cuz I really hate to miss the shooting part!!! Hopefully we can shoot together down the trail! Â Oh No! Hope you get to feeling better SOON.
Buffalo Bill Mathewson, 37826 Posted October 14, 2015 Posted October 14, 2015 Sorry posse 11....but Aspen Filly is sicker than a dog and has to stay home!!! This decission is killing me, cuz I really hate to miss the shooting part!!! Hopefully we can shoot together down the trail! Sorry to hear that you will not make it. Get well soon. Â Buffalo Bill Mathewson
Aspen Filly 50535 Posted October 14, 2015 Posted October 14, 2015 Trying hard too!! More drugs today and lots of sleeping!
Peddler Parsons SASS # 31281 Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 Have illness, have drug, But have know dought that I will be there Friday
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