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If your SASS # is 99,000 and up... Wonderin' how old you folks are?

Rance - SASS # 54090

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The Lipstick Cowgirl and I are a bit north of 60. But as they say, 60 is the new 40. We ski, chase coyotes with our Heelers, snowshoe, hike in the mountains and generally stay in good condition. Personally, I having too much fun and I don't have the time to get old.


I started in 1994, my SASS number is 7884 and I'm..............<fill in the blank>.







So far we're not doing well in the "reading comprehension" area.

:lol: :lol:


It has gotten kinda funny tho.... :unsure:


No different than reading a stage at the matches.... Just sayin. Its all good.


Just got ta wonderin..

Since we broke the 100,000 mark..

Are we gettin' younger shooters, middle aged shooters, or older shooters signin' up?

Ain't tryin' ta be nosey or ungentleman like here..


Would you folks from 99,000 and up post your age?

or at least around your age?

Was just wonderin'??

If ya don't want to... no big deal..

Just wonderin'??


Rance ;)

Just thinkin' that I was wonderin??? :wacko:

Geesh... that's scary :blink:



Edit: Do you folks see yerselves in it fer the long haul? :mellow: Still just wonderin'?? :)

They's prob'y 'bout as old as we all wuz when we signed up... everyage an' everywhere inbtwixt :D


No different than reading a stage at the matches.... Just sayin. Its all good.

Now there's a badge # 99,999



Rance ;)

Thinkin' ta me... might be better than 100,000 :)

Very last of the 5 digits..


Didn't get his age tho.. :blink:


My daughter is 100238 and a sprite 5 year old....now if i can find some 22's...


So far we're not doing well in the "reading comprehension" area.

:ph34r: the voices :ph34r: made me post this (really)

#8595 and I am 59.6 years old now


Hey Rance.

OLD..... LOL


Gettin that # was a bit of work... And other things as well.


Just rolled my alias to that number. Still maintain the original as well. In rememberance of my lost best friend... Someone poisoned him... Heck of a world we live in....


#99969 LOUISIANA GUNSLINGER...... signed up and training a friend of G.son who is already shooting.


Louisiana Gunslinger is 12 yrs old.....turns 13 in couple months.








Long Haul?


Don't have the rifle back yet I sent out to get hot-rodded - need to live long enough to shoot it if only to prove it's not been the guns that affect my times.




So far we're not doing well in the "reading comprehension" area.


SASS #83232 (Patron member :D ) here- and I'm 39.75 years old.


Why stop there?


My Kiddos:

Sky Moonshine: SASS #86666 - she's 22, going on 22.

Cash Cassidy: SASS #85023 - he's 17, going on 30.



Just thought I'd chime in and do my part to contribute to the madness.


WHAT? Follow directions? Read the question thoroughly? Wheres the fun in THAT?!




WHAT? Follow directions? Read the question thoroughly? Wheres the fun in THAT?!



Yeah! This ain't the IRS!


Ya sippin that stuff again Misty..... You and your office mates are gonna break me keepin ya supplied. See ya at EOT... And yes, will bring more....

Thanks for all ya do...


10274 - 46 years young.


Could've shot more actually.. Just postin' to show that though bein' a member for awhile I am still a youngin' in the world of SASS. :D



86029 - 46 years old also .

I know My Bio says Im much older 79 .

But remember dont believe every thing you read online :huh:


99722, and 34. I feel like a youngin' around you all!


I'm 46 and I was the youngest shooter at my last match until one last guy showed up.


Not in the called for range, but I'm 88991 and 80 YO. 4 year member.


99064 and I'm 48. My wife is 99065 and she's.....yeah


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