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Deer Question

Calamity Kris

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With the cooler fall weather here, I've noticed a doe starting to hang around the neighbors back yard. I understand she may have fawned there this past spring. A fawn, I'm guessing one of hers, was in my back yard foraging for acorns as I haven't cleaned up the leaves yet.


I grabbed the camera and quietly walked out on the back deck to take pictures. I left the slider open because I didn't want to spook them. My cat, who weighs all of 8 pounds soaking wet decided it was a good time to come out and chase leaves on the deck. The deer couldn't see him because of the way the deck is constructed, but they could smell him. They both went into alert and ran off.


Could it be that my cat smelled enough like a natural predator, e.g. mountain lion, that they were afraid of him? Will they come back? The dogs in the neighborhood don't seem to bother them.









Or am I way over thinking this and should put a slug of Bailey's in my coffee and go back to bed..........?

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Around the parts I dwell in, Cat smells could be confused easilly for Bobcats - and Bobcats kill and eat small deers. I'll bet the smell of your cat is a bit too close to that of a Bobcat or a Lynx. Just a thought.


STL Suomi

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or, they smelled YOU! we are a predator to them.....

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Around the parts I dwell in, Cat smells could be confused easilly for Bobcats - and Bobcats kill and eat small deers. I'll bet the smell of your cat is a bit too close to that of a Bobcat or a Lynx. Just a thought.


STL Suomi


That's what I feared. He's an indoor cat so this was a one time thing. I hope they come back......

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or, they smelled YOU! we are a predator to them.....


I've taken pictures of them before without any problems. They seem to hang around here in the 'burbs so I think as long as people give them their space, they're ok with it.

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If they found food, most likely. Not many supermarkets in the wood. Especially in Missouri.


LOL. I imagine it's a bit tough to get your debit card out with hooves too.........

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or, they smelled YOU! we are a predator to them.....

Mr Culpepper, that's a bold statement to make about a lady. I'm sure Miss Calamity smells just fine. :D

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It doesn't take much to spook a deer. Great sense of smell and hearing are their survival tools.

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