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'THE DEUCE' by Doc Noper

Widder, SASS #59054

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O.K., here is MY side of the story.


Doc Noper pulls into Rockcastle on Friday evening. Sooooo, I see him and give him a nice greeting before he gets out of the car.


Then, a short while later, we're all making our rounds and small talkin. And then 'IT' happened.....


I sensed The Force was with me and a JEDI MIND trick was in the works.


"DOC, I been wanted to talk with you about those SG shell belts your makin"....sez I.


Doc sez: 'Well, I just made my NEW style that I brought for me to use the very first time in this match. Wanta see it?'


SURE!.....sez I.


Well, we venture to Doc's car and he pulls out this BEAUTIFULLY crafted SG belt with the canvas loops and a few .38 cal loops on each end. This thing is georgeous.


Doc sez: 'I'm gona call it 'THE DEUCE' because Deuce loved it when I showed it to him'.


"HEY, It looks like MY size. Can I try it on"..... sez I.



'SURE' Doc replied.


This little jewel was a perfect fit. THE JEDI MIND trick was starting to hone in on Doc when I sed: 'Doc, why don't you just sell this one to ME and make ya another one when you get back home'.



Well, the first match that the ORIGINAL 'THE DEUCE' ever adorned was done around Ole Widder's waist. Doc had little resistance against the true force of a good JEDI mind trick (plus a few $$).


Well, that's my story and I'll probably stick to it.


I got the 1st Original 'The Deuce' SG shell belt and proud of it. Yes indeed, it was a good time to be a JEDI.





Missed your chance to call it "The Widder"


This is not "The Deuce" you are looking for :lol:






B) ....anything named the 'DEUCE' is worth gold. I know a 'DEUCE' who has been inspirational and a huge support for me and others in this sport ;)




GG ~ :FlagAm:


Please post another Youtube demonstration so we can see it in action!!


:) :)


My Bad. I'll try to get a photo attached as soon as my daughter can get her camera on it and posted.


Hey Wyatt: no need to put 'Widder' on it. I'm proud to wear it and call it 'The Deuce'.


The loops are single but it will allow a shooter to grab 1, 2 or even 4 or 5 at one time if that is their technique. I grab 2 at a time and had NO resistance in my efforts. And when on the move, the shells stay in place.


Hope to have pixs soon.






They are excellent belts. I like them because they work equally well for SxS AND 97 shooters. Weather you load from the left or right, there is no weak link in the design.




Well somebody needs to get on the ball and get some pictures posted of this rig! :lol:


The particular one that I got from Doc Noper had the canvas loops (14) and LEATHER loops for the pistol/rifle ammo. There were two loops on each end of the canvas loops for your rifle/pistol ammo.


Attached is a video and I must appologize for not getting a close up but I wanted to demonstrate the feasibility of using this belt no matter what style SG shooter you may be.


AND, I would have gotten a better, close up view, video of the belt but the camera battery died just after taking this first video.


Doc also told me that he was probably gona name it 'The Deuce'.


Anyhow, here it is:






The particular one that I got from Doc Noper had the canvas loops (14) and LEATHER loops for the pistol/rifle ammo. There were two loops on each end of the canvas loops for your rifle/pistol ammo.


Attached is a video and I must appologize for not getting a close up but I wanted to demonstrate the feasibility of using this belt no matter what style SG shooter you may be.


AND, I would have gotten a better, close up view, video of the belt but the camera battery died just after taking this first video.


Doc also told me that he was probably gona name it 'The Deuce'.


Anyhow, here it is:






The particular one that I got from Doc Noper had the canvas loops (14) and LEATHER loops for the pistol/rifle ammo. There were two loops on each end of the canvas loops for your rifle/pistol ammo.


Attached is a video and I must appologize for not getting a close up but I wanted to demonstrate the feasibility of using this belt no matter what style SG shooter you may be.


AND, I would have gotten a better, close up view, video of the belt but the camera battery died just after taking this first video.


Doc also told me that he was probably gona name it 'The Deuce'.


Anyhow, here it is:






Good stuff Widder ~ thanks!


GG ~ :FlagAm:


Hey Gunner,


when I look at this video, it looks like I missed my port on one of those shells or I might have bumped one of them up in the air during the ejection. Hard to tell and I really didn't pay alot of attention to loading technique as much as I wanted to demonstrate how well built and sturdy this SG belt is for different types of shooters.


Have a good day.





Hey Gunner,


when I look at this video, it looks like I missed my port on one of those shells or I might have bumped one of them up in the air during the ejection. Hard to tell and I really didn't pay alot of attention to loading technique as much as I wanted to demonstrate how well built and sturdy this SG belt is for different types of shooters.


Have a good day.





:D My favorite line is: "it's contoured for the roundness of your body" ~ I find myself getting a wee bit more 'round' these days :P


GG ~ :FlagAm:


Hey Gunner,


when I look at this video, it looks like I missed my port on one of those shells or I might have bumped one of them up in the air during the ejection. Hard to tell and I really didn't pay alot of attention to loading technique as much as I wanted to demonstrate how well built and sturdy this SG belt is for different types of shooters.


Have a good day.






Thanks for posting your video Widder, I very much enjoy my Doc N. SG belt. Very well built and extremely quick.





Brimstone is being shy. I have seen him shoot his 97 pulling 4, at record speed. Should get a video of Brim, and call it the Brimstone Belt!! El Mulo


Mighty kind words Mulo, I'm flattered. That Griner Gunworks 97 sure doesn't hurt none, silky smooth and tough like farm equipment.


Doc's belts are a great compliment to shooters of all skills, and as Widder pointed out this design favors any which way of loading. If your in the market, give doc a call.





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