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Spent three days up at the shot show. Nothing really new as far as Cowboy guns is concerned. Cimarron was still showing a TTN but the story is the same as last year. There is one container load of them sitting on a dock in China, but they have been unable to get the paperwork done in China to allow them to be exported to the United States. Since finding any outside hammer gun is getting difficult all the normal Cowboy vendors (Cimarron, Taylors and EMF) had the Pedersoli "Wyatt Earp" on display. More money than a TTN but very nice quality. Saw an earlier post about the new Winchester 92's and 94's being junk so I made it a point to revisit them and take a close look. They are made by Miroku and are excellent quality. I stopped by the Remington display (which is huge since the Freedom Group now owns so many brands) to look at the Marlins. I talked to the Remington factory rep as well as the person in charge of Marlin production. They were very candid that the first batch of guns produced had some real QC problems. They said the equipment they bought from Marlin was mostly from the 1930's and 40's and that it took a lot more hand work than they had anticipated. As a result they suspended production until they get new machinery and are satisfied that the new guns will carry on the Marlin name and reputation. They also said they were not abandoning the Cowboy market and would offer octagon barreled guns once production is resumed. Personally, my hat is off to Remington for acknowledging there were problems and for taking the guns off the market until all the QC issues are addressed. I noticed that all the new guns still had the Marlin/Connecticut barrel markings. I asked if there was any easy way to tell new production from the old Marlin guns. They said yes and showed be a couple of guns. On the old Marlins on the left side of the barrel just in front of the receiver there is a small "JM" stamped into the barrel. On the new guns there is a oval with three letters in it stamped on the right side just in front of the receiver. Looked high and low and didn't see any sign of the group that is (was?) trying to reintroduce the Merwin & Hulbert revolver. Pietta, Uberti and Pederoli all had large displays and the quality on all the Italian guns is excellent. Over in the Uberti area they had the pre-production models of a new .22 lever gun. While it may look a little like another popular lever gun, this one is all steel and the action was very nice. Should be out sometime this year.


Uberti was showing a new 22 rimfire rifle they are calling the "Silverboy." Frame is chrome plated and shaped very much like the 1866, but thinner, and It is a side eject. Not a copy of any historical arm, but very smooth action with a fairly short lever throw. :)


I also stopped by the Ruger booth to ask about the SR1911.


In a nutshell, don't be in a rush to get one. The rep said they had expanded the production line but not to expect them to come flying out of the factory. They will not try to increase production and turn out an inferior product.


Anyone see the Chiappa 22 caliber M-1 Carbine they're supposed to be coming out with? LSI is to be the distributor. When I was a teenager my cousin had one that I believe was made by Iver Johnson. We used to do a lot of plinking with that gun. It was a tack driver & a lot of fun. I sure do want one.


IF the Remmy "bean-counters" had hired some of the old Marlin folks to keep the machines going, the QC issues would NOT have become a stop-the-production screw up. Remmy knew when they bought Marlin's tooling that it was old........

Remmy is in CYA mode is all <_<

THANK YOU for the Shot-Show report :excl:



Thanks for the report. I would say that yes, Remington screwed up, but at least they are being as honest as can be expected about the screw up and are taking the right steps. Time will tell.


With the issues of QC on the full Reminton line I no longer recomend that anyone buy any of their products ....





Jabez Cowboy


Well I can certainly highly recommend the 1911 R1 wholeheartedly and without reservations. Big Green got that one right.







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