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Calamity Kris

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Today's headlines:



What I am proposing is a thread focusing on the good in the world. People who do good things. An inspiring article. A pretty picture. An uplifting Pome. Anything nice and positive and not at someone's expense.... {Work appropriate please}


Now I'm not naive enough to think that if we all hold hands and sing Kum ba yah that we can change reality. I know better. My intent is to create a place, a Refuge, with a positive vibe where we can share good feelings and good words. A place to escape the real world for a couple of minutes and have a good "Attitude Adjustment". More of the Cowboy Way. The real world is hard enough on all of us. The way things are going, it's not going to get better any time soon. I have some pretty rotten things going on in my world too right now. I could sure use a positive attitude adjustment.


Watcha say? You can call me :wacko: and let this die off or join me.


I'll start.


Nordstrom Opens Store That Supports Charities


Pro Surfers Hold Camps For Kids With Autism

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Sorry about you rotten stuff goin on.

How's this'n?


Here's some pics for ya.


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Wonderful!!! Thank you all for your contributions!! The Pome is exactly what I needed UB. Thank You! Great examples of what I had in mind! :D:D:D

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.......... I miss the "Alley" too ...... :mellow:

Actually Wobbly, this was borne out of all the negative s*&% you hear in the news every day and some really scary bad stuff going on in my own world. I was just looking for a happier place for a short distraction. A place where all of us cowboys could go and build off of each others good vibes and happiness. That's all. Nothing more. The concept isn't meant as a panacea, but it has to be better than the "real" world. I will continue to seek positive things in this world and share them with those who are interested.

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Today in the world: Twins born in somewhere.... Horse gives birth to healthy colt, Lottery jackpot is on the rise , sass membership is on the rise, and in local news i woke up this morning, the sun was shinning, the birds were singing, and i was still breathing so all in all i would say its a good day.....

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I can add a couple of pictures I've taken. I will need to get more into photobucket as time allows.


Perhaps the favorite photo I have taken, Mustangs flying into the sunset:




Since it is getting closer as we speak, at least we can look forward to the beauty of winter:




I have better, I just haven't gotten them loaded yet.


And finally, yes, different cultures can get along:



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Not exactly national news, but it's important to me.


My daughter had fond memories of when she was a little girl and how much I loved her long hair. As she grew up, she decided she preferred it shorter. She is now growing it long again so that she can cut it all off eventfully to donate it to make wigs for cancer kids, so that they can know the joy she did as a child.


I am proud of my baby girl.



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Oh my goodness. This is all wonderful!!! Thank you all so much!!


My happy event is also a small one but it made me smile. I came home from work late again. Rushed to get Uno his dinner. I was cooking on the grill when our female GSD/Husky mix was begging to come outside. I opened the door and then staggered to a lawn chair where I plopped down while the meat was cooking. Kaelyn came over, sat next to me and nuzzled for a scratch. While I patted her head, she looked into my eyes and gently licked my knee as if to say "it's OK mom, I love you no matter how bad a day you've had". As long as I touched her fur, she was more than happy to sit by me. You see, Kaelyn is the first dog that has ever attached themselves to me. That's the coolest thing to me. That really worked to wipe away a lot of the crud from my day!!

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Oh my goodness. This is all wonderful!!! Thank you all so much!!


My happy event is also a small one but it made me smile. I came home from work late again. Rushed to get Uno his dinner. I was cooking on the grill when our female GSD/Husky mix was begging to come outside. I opened the door and then staggered to a lawn chair where I plopped down while the meat was cooking. Kaelyn came over, sat next to me and nuzzled for a scratch. While I patted her head, she looked into my eyes and gently licked my knee as if to say "it's OK mom, I love you no matter how bad a day you've had". As long as I touched her fur, she was more than happy to sit by me. You see, Kaelyn is the first dog that has ever attached themselves to me. That's the coolest thing to me. That really worked to wipe away a lot of the crud from my day!!


Animals know what, when and how we are feeling. My 1st horse was that way. I miss him alot.


But this is a Saloon...I place where I can be me..........a funny, laugh maker, drinkin' Injun !


I like to make folks laugh...to let'em enjoy dem selfs.


I am a fun drunk.........ya don't beleive me.........well you can...................can ask.......................


Where was I ? :unsure:

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