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Are you superstitious?

Buck D. Law, SASS #62183

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I've always wanted a Remington 742 and today while browsing gunbroker, I found this gun. What do ya'll think? Is the fact that BDL is part of the model number a sign that Buck D. Law should buy it? :DRemington 742 BDL


Edit: Fixed the link :D

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My first deer rifle was a 742 30-06.I had to have it I was 13 and it stomped the H3ll out of me.Went to Co. saw my first buck shot the 5 shots at the deer killed it the first shot and keep pulling the trigger until it would not go bang any more.When I came back to Baytown ,My dad sold it. More shots less brains.They are nice guns.One of my sons has one.

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If I were you yes I'd buy it without hesitation. But for me I'd pass. Couldn't explain it well enough to the misses on how BDL has anything to do with H.B. Now if the serial numbers had any that matched my birthday, fathers day, heck any numbers in it, well then I'd try my darndest to get her to buy my reasoning. Go for it.

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I'd get it buddy, I've always wanted one with tha basket weave checkering. Never saw one that was very accurate but still want one. Tha BDL would sure enough push me over tha edge, iffen I was Buck D Law!!!!!




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I've always wanted a Remington 742 and today while browsing gunbroker, I found this gun. What do ya'll think? Is the fact that BDL is part of the model number a sign that Buck D. Law should buy it? :DRemington 742 BDL

Uh O !!! I've been watching a couple of 742's there too!! Until I read some gun forum posts about all the problems the 742's had with jams! That's why Remington changed the design and acll them 7500's now! I am looking for a 30 cal long ramge Zombie rifle and can't afford the FALs or AR versions. May have to settle for a Bolt Action.

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That is a sign. I have a S.K.S.that I am saving for my boy because of the initials. :)

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Years ago, I went into a gunstore to buy a '94 Winchester. There, on the rack, was a '97 Shotgun with PC (as is Professor Cubby) inlaid in the stock. I bought it (of course) and have been using it regularly ever since.


It is a SIGN! Buy it Buck!

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Buck D


If'n you're askin' "Should I buy it"




I'm thinkin' you already have a spot picked out fer it in your safe.







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Coming from MINOCQUA, WI it has probably taken a lot of bucks. Speaking of bucks, what do you think you would dress out at?

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Coming from MINOCQUA, WI it has probably taken a lot of bucks. Speaking of bucks, what do you think you would dress out at?


Well, starting out at a bit over 200 and considering that the people who know me well say I'm full of.....well.....you know.....I'd say close to ten pounds. :D

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Destiny. Yep, pure destiny.

Plus I've ridden snowmobiles in Minocqua so right there, you have another tie ... via me... its stretching it, I know. (But anything to help a pard)

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I always wanted a 742 and I finally found one that was nice, and cheap enough ( $275). I was told not to shoot over 150 grain ammo in it as it would beat itself to pieces in a short time. That's for the 30-06 version, don't know about other calibers. Mine was made in 1962, same year I was born.

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Don't forget the 7400.....they make it in a "Buck D Law" Model as well and they were SUPPOSED to have reworked the receiver to help the jamming issue. Mine never jammed but I keep it cleaned and took very good care of it so I don't know if that was the difference or not. Like RRR said though when you take it to the range don't expect those 1 MOA groups that you can get with a good bolt gun. You can get them pretty cheap too. Here's the first one I pulled up:



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