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Tin Star Christmas


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Hitting targets = Fun


Not hitting targets = Frustration


When folks (usually younger or physically restricted) can't shoot a stage clean, then you have a problem. It has nothing to do with "everyone is shooting the same targets/stages"...and yes, folks enjoy the company of others...the food...all of that. But they also like a match to be more then a reminder to them of their limitations (ie: real young or physically restricted...).


And of course a club can do what they want...their club...but then they better not cry about the lack or diminishing quantity of shooters.





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Targets close or far! Targets big or small! Really what difference does it make? Everybody is shooting on the same playing field at a match.


Maybe we need to look at some of the other "speed and accuracy" matches such as IDPA and 3 Gun. Many of their targets are smaller than the "normal" CAS target and many times pistol targets are at 25 yards and sometimes the target is moving pretty fast. The people shooting those matches seem to be able to hit their targets at a very fast speed.


I know, those are a different sport, but why not just accept the targets as presented and do the best you can. It's only a game!



The bottom line is shooters want to hit a target. Sooooooooooooooo you make it easier for them to do that. I have seen new shooters and older ones get very dissipointed in themselves. Every body likes a clean stage/match. They don't care if it is a slow clean stage/match. The up close doesn't affect the fast guys as much as the middle of the pack shooters.

I can shoot at THSS with far targets and come in top 3 out of 40-200 shooters. It is the other not so good shooters in this game that concerns me. Those are the ones that I want to see coming back.

I also don't really care what the other shooting games do. We don't do bullseye shooting.

In a match with 200 shooters and only one shoots clean like at THSS you have a problem. At Old Ft. Parker with 200 shooters and 50 shooting clean. You will have happy shooters.

Ya think this coulod be the reason some shoots keep getting smaller.



Hey Fred. I missed seeing you this year. I was amazed how your were thrown to the wolves at the start of this thread.

I figure some one dumped this on you. And you pulled a rabbit out of your a## to get it that far.

I agree with Jonah on targets , you know whats there before you go.

I think the best solution for Jim and Chery is to outsource it to an experienced or qualified match director.

Its a skill , they dont have it and really dont have time for it. , pay someone who does ,stay out of match directors way. and triple your shooters.

I have very great memories of Tin Star.

H.C. Sweettooth.

Hey Fred. I missed seeing you this year. I was amazed how your were thrown to the wolves at the start of this thread.

I figure some one dumped this on you. And you pulled a rabbit out of your a## to get it that far.

I agree with Jonah on targets , you know whats there before you go.

I think the best solution for Jim and Chery is to outsource it to an experienced or qualified match director.

Its a skill , they dont have it and really dont have time for it. , pay someone who does ,stay out of match directors way. and triple your shooters.

I have very great memories of Tin Star.

H.C. Sweettooth.


Well I have to disagree with this.


In my opinion Col. Callan did a very good job. I shot at the Resurrection IV last year. He also did a good job then.


The only thing that I know of that caused a problem was a later start on Sat. That was due to some LATE ARRIVING shooters. wasn't his fault people can't tell time.


All the scenarios that he wrote were very easy. Must have been why very few Ps.


He made changes to the Sunday awards after some Sat. recommendations.


He spent a lot of time checking on things.


I don't know who Fred is but my thanks to him also for helping Col.

Col C needs more help like that. Jim, the owner, made a good choice with Col. Callan as the match director.



Guest Crosscut Hardy SASS # 54701

This was 2nd year for us to be at Tin Star Christmas Shoot and look forward to going back in 20 one one. Match was not what I was used to shooting at an annual match BUT it was same for everyone -----so------ just do your best and have fun fun fun. Congrats to any and all clean shooters, my hats off to you. Personally we have never been treated any nicer, Mickey provided me with a mule, and it sure was appreciated. Tks for S.Tickets C.Lady - wait, I did not win. Beaux Hunk Cowgirl & Crosscut Hardy.

Been reading through this thread... I shot last year's Tin Star Christmas shoot. Gunstock Smith and I planned on being there again this year cuz I want to shoot a BP night shoot, but we went deer hunting instead and I got my second buck!! Sorry, Fred, you know I love to shoot with you! The BP night shoot will have to wait until we go to Winter Range..... can't wait... <_<


Miss Cubbie


Yep, you shoulda been there. Only one shooter with BP at the night shoot. AND I had full loads of real BP to boot. Scared the heck outa Gunslinger.......every time I picked up my shotgun he moved to the back of the stage... :rolleyes:


If 50 or 60 shooters clean a match-does it really mean anything? A couple years ago I cleaned Jailbreak-one of about 45 to do so. Didn't really mean much to me. Wasn't that hard to do. If a clean match is going to mean anything there has to be some difficulty doing it. I am much prouder of my clean match at the Nebraska state championship. One of four to clean the match.

If 50 or 60 shooters clean a match-does it really mean anything? A couple years ago I cleaned Jailbreak-one of about 45 to do so. Didn't really mean much to me. Wasn't that hard to do. If a clean match is going to mean anything there has to be some difficulty doing it. I am much prouder of my clean match at the Nebraska state championship. One of four to clean the match.


Ahhhhh...here's the true question!


"Some defficulty"...for whom?


Tell - yer a heck of a good shooter. Good speed and excellent accuracy. You've probably been shooting for a good while. Should folks design matches around someone like you...or Gunslinger...Jake Cutter????? All great shooters! Or, should they design the match for folks that don't have nor will ever have your abilities.


I say it should be designed for those folks that'll never have your abilites...give them a CHANCE to shoot a clean match. The rest of us can push the hell outta each other so that the TIME element comes into play as to whether you shoot clean or not.





Ahhhhh...here's the true question!


"Some defficulty"...for whom?


Tell - yer a heck of a good shooter. Good speed and excellent accuracy. You've probably been shooting for a good while. Should folks design matches around someone like you...or Gunslinger...Jake Cutter????? All great shooters! Or, should they design the match for folks that don't have nor will ever have your abilities.


I say it should be designed for those folks that'll never have your abilites...give them a CHANCE to shoot a clean match. The rest of us can push the hell outta each other so that the TIME element comes into play as to whether you shoot clean or not.






Yep I agree with Phantom 100%

Tell you are missing the point a weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bit. How many clean matches do they have at THSS and Eagle Lake. Yea I have cleaned Jail Break shooting BPD and won 1st. That still meant a lot to me.


Jim- Last month I shot clean at Pistoleros. Last month ANGELS shot clean at THSS. I've done it there. Many times at Pistoleros. It isn't that rare.

I don't think there's a majic answer that will please everyone. I personnally don't base attendance on target size and distance. I'll shoot whatever I find when I go to a shoot. And yes, I like big and close targets as much as anyone. But I don't have to have them on every stage. If they don't have them on ANY stage, well too bad, but I'll survive.

I'm glad you're proud of your clean match at Jailbreak. I'm not ASHAMED of mine, but if 40 other shooters did it, it just does't seem like that big a deal. When I manage to clean Trailhead, THEN I'll feel I've accomplished something special. I wanted to be the FIRST one to do it, but didn't make it. Maybe I can be the 2nd. Maybe next year.

Jim- Last month I shot clean at Pistoleros. Last month ANGELS shot clean at THSS. I've done it there. Many times at Pistoleros. It isn't that rare.

I don't think there's a majic answer that will please everyone. I personnally don't base attendance on target size and distance. I'll shoot whatever I find when I go to a shoot. And yes, I like big and close targets as much as anyone. But I don't have to have them on every stage. If they don't have them on ANY stage, well too bad, but I'll survive.

I'm glad you're proud of your clean match at Jailbreak. I'm not ASHAMED of mine, but if 40 other shooters did it, it just does't seem like that big a deal. When I manage to clean Trailhead, THEN I'll feel I've accomplished something special. I wanted to be the FIRST one to do it, but didn't make it. Maybe I can be the 2nd. Maybe next year.


I'm rather have a clean match and celebrate that accomplishment with a lot of folks...it's more fun in numbers!


THSS and the like basically spit on those that have trouble holding their gun reeeeeal still. I think that's a shame and don't want to be a part of that.


No, I'm not an advocate of "everyone gets a ribbon"...but I am an advocate of everyone has a chance at a ribbon...at clubs such as THSS, this is not true.


Again, the Top Shooters and the Long Time Shooters are not of my concern...when I'm considering the design of a match. But rather it's the bottom half of the score sheet.





Ahhhhh...here's the true question!


"Some defficulty"...for whom?


Tell - yer a heck of a good shooter. Good speed and excellent accuracy. You've probably been shooting for a good while. Should folks design matches around someone like you...or Gunslinger...Jake Cutter????? All great shooters! Or, should they design the match for folks that don't have nor will ever have your abilities.


I say it should be designed for those folks that'll never have your abilites...give them a CHANCE to shoot a clean match. The rest of us can push the hell outta each other so that the TIME element comes into play as to whether you shoot clean or not.









You are right" PHANTOM "it should be about all the SHOOTER !!!



" SLIM "

Hey Fred. I missed seeing you this year. I was amazed how your were thrown to the wolves at the start of this thread.

I figure some one dumped this on you. And you pulled a rabbit out of your a## to get it that far.

I agree with Jonah on targets , you know whats there before you go.

I think the best solution for Jim and Chery is to outsource it to an experienced or qualified match director.

Its a skill , they dont have it and really dont have time for it. , pay someone who does ,stay out of match directors way. and triple your shooters.

I have very great memories of Tin Star.

H.C. Sweettooth.


Seems as if you understand the situation well....

This was 2nd year for us to be at Tin Star Christmas Shoot and look forward to going back in 20 one one. Match was not what I was used to shooting at an annual match BUT it was same for everyone -----so------ just do your best and have fun fun fun. Congrats to any and all clean shooters, my hats off to you. Personally we have never been treated any nicer, Mickey provided me with a mule, and it sure was appreciated. Tks for S.Tickets C.Lady - wait, I did not win. Beaux Hunk Cowgirl & Crosscut Hardy.


Wait....you didn't win??


Well I guess there will be no more tickets for you then huh?


Why as cowboy shooters are we "trashing" other clubs. If was not for cowboy shooting clubs we be gun ranges shooting at paper thinking it would be fun shooting at steel plates.

March was the last time I shoot at Thss til November targets have got bigger targets move in a lot closer. You as a shooter can shoot close or far cowboy or cody/dixon The Officers of the club are good Folks Never heard of them "Spit " on no one. Trailhead will fun shoot with the targets move in you may get a lot more clen shooters this year Sorry not trying to start a WAR Just aint Right



Three by Eight

Why as cowboy shooters are we "trashing" other clubs. If was not for cowboy shooting clubs we be gun ranges shooting at paper thinking it would be fun shooting at steel plates.

March was the last time I shoot at Thss til November targets have got bigger targets move in a lot closer. You as a shooter can shoot close or far cowboy or cody/dixon The Officers of the club are good Folks Never heard of them "Spit " on no one. Trailhead will fun shoot with the targets move in you may get a lot more clen shooters this year Sorry not trying to start a WAR Just aint Right



Three by Eight


Hey 2X4.

I really don't want to trash a club fer sure. I just want to know why the club/board will not listen to the members? We are the ones that pay the bills. This makes it as much my club as the few that are on the board.

As you well know I have been supporting THSS for about 10 years now.

The problem is they will never listen to the members wants. Very few of the BOARD shoot any place else so they don't have a clue what is taking place in our sport..

You can't tell them what needs to be fixed in the club. There attitude is this is THSS not SASS. Might be why the attendance is going away.

Think about this. This is one of the best places to shoot in the Houston area but they have been losing members to other clubs. Why? Well listen to what your customers want. NOT WHAT YOU AS A BOARD MEMBER WANTS. A lot of the BMs don't even shoot at their own match.

There have been a lot of suggestion made that were ignored. What a shame.

As far as Traihead. Maybe the board should shoot the same as what the other big matches do. At THSS they always say " Well this is THSS not SASS" Ya think that might be a little wrong kind of thinking?

Yea the BMs are good guys. That could be one of the best clubes in Texas, if they would just listen. Well that won't happen.



Yep, you shoulda been there. Only one shooter with BP at the night shoot. AND I had full loads of real BP to boot. Scared the heck outa Gunslinger.......every time I picked up my shotgun he moved to the back of the stage... :rolleyes:



Yup... I miss shooting BP!! Never been to a night BP shoot and can't wait for Winter Range!! You going?? Gonna shoot Wild Bunch and Long Range,too.


I had a great time at Tin Star last year, but this year tried something new... two shots with my Contender Carbine=2 dead bucks!!



Miss Cubbie

Yep, you shoulda been there. Only one shooter with BP at the night shoot. AND I had full loads of real BP to boot. Scared the heck outa Gunslinger.......every time I picked up my shotgun he moved to the back of the stage... ;)



Doesn't take much to scare Gunslinger/Guntosser ;)

So why didn't you shoot the main match with BP??? There were only 3 of us that did. I was going to shoot the Night match but looked like there were tooooooooooooooo many lights on :rolleyes:


Got an e-mail from Tin Star today. Seems they moved the date of Ressurection to the same weekend as Jailbreak next year. There's a great marketing strategy.


Yep, I received that also.........whats the deal with changing dates every year? Well, maybe there is still time to change the date.

Got an e-mail from Tin Star today. Seems they moved the date of Ressurection to the same weekend as Jailbreak next year. There's a great marketing strategy.


Yep, I received that also.........whats the deal with changing dates every year? Well, maybe there is still time to change the date again.

Got an e-mail from Tin Star today. Seems they moved the date of Ressurection to the same weekend as Jailbreak next year. There's a great marketing strategy.


Yep, I received that also.........whats the deal with changing dates every year? Well, maybe there is still time to change the date again.

The bottom line is shooters want to hit a target. Sooooooooooooooo you make it easier for them to do that. I have seen new shooters and older ones get very dissipointed in themselves. Every body likes a clean stage/match. They don't care if it is a slow clean stage/match. The up close doesn't affect the fast guys as much as the middle of the pack shooters.

I can shoot at THSS with far targets and come in top 3 out of 40-200 shooters. It is the other not so good shooters in this game that concerns me. Those are the ones that I want to see coming back.

I also don't really care what the other shooting games do. We don't do bullseye shooting.

In a match with 200 shooters and only one shoots clean like at THSS you have a problem. At Old Ft. Parker with 200 shooters and 50 shooting clean. You will have happy shooters.

Ya think this coulod be the reason some shoots keep getting smaller.


WOW!!! I agree with Jim :rolleyes:;) ;)

Hey 2X4.

I really don't want to trash a club fer sure. I just want to know why the club/board will not listen to the members? We are the ones that pay the bills. This makes it as much my club as the few that are on the board.

As you well know I have been supporting THSS for about 10 years now.

The problem is they will never listen to the members wants. Very few of the BOARD shoot any place else so they don't have a clue what is taking place in our sport..

You can't tell them what needs to be fixed in the club. There attitude is this is THSS not SASS. Might be why the attendance is going away.

Think about this. This is one of the best places to shoot in the Houston area but they have been losing members to other clubs. Why? Well listen to what your customers want. NOT WHAT YOU AS A BOARD MEMBER WANTS. A lot of the BMs don't even shoot at their own match.

There have been a lot of suggestion made that were ignored. What a shame.

As far as Traihead. Maybe the board should shoot the same as what the other big matches do. At THSS they always say " Well this is THSS not SASS" Ya think that might be a little wrong kind of thinking?

Yea the BMs are good guys. That could be one of the best clubes in Texas, if they would just listen. Well that won't happen.



Damn!!!! Twice in a row :rolleyes:

Got an e-mail from Tin Star today. Seems they moved the date of Ressurection to the same weekend as Jailbreak next year. There's a great marketing strategy.


Hey Tell - guess where I'm going to shoot?






Hey Jim....How are you doing man? Sorry I didn't get to shoot with you this last time at THSS. I agree with you on some points, but you have to admit that THSS BMs "have" been listening as that changes have been made....slowly, but made. Trailhead is now only 10 stages vs 12-14 before, have to admit that targets have been brought in a whole-lot closer compared to what they used to be, I've notice newer pistol targets & stands which are bigger than before. Rifle targets may seem smaller than at other clubs, but they are a decent size and they too have been moved in. These changes show that BMs are listening, but we have to remember they can't listen to everyone all the time....they'd be running around in circles. Changes don't happen overnight...Remember..Dodge City wasn't built in a day!!!


Whether a club is SASS or not SASS really doesn't bother me...as long as I get to enjoy the sport and ting the targets and the commeradery of fellow cowboy & cowgirl shooters having FUN...the Cowboy Spirit!!


Hey...I'm even up to assist with writing scenarios for the matches....heck that is part of the fun...I know that you got a few good stages in you!!! Maybe we just submit them to the board anyways...heck they might just use them.


Jim...hope I get to shoot with you in the next few months!! Have a safe & Happy Holiday!!!



Got an e-mail from Tin Star today. Seems they moved the date of Ressurection to the same weekend as Jailbreak next year. There's a great marketing strategy.


I have to agree with that last statement.... Yea about as much as you do.....


I wonder if they even know it's the same weekend.


Oakwood is a whole lot closer for me anyway.

Hey Fred. I missed seeing you this year. I was amazed how your were thrown to the wolves at the start of this thread.

I figure some one dumped this on you. And you pulled a rabbit out of your a## to get it that far.

I agree with Jonah on targets , you know whats there before you go.

I think the best solution for Jim and Chery is to outsource it to an experienced or qualified match director.

Its a skill , they dont have it and really dont have time for it. , pay someone who does ,stay out of match directors way. and triple your shooters.

I have very great memories of Tin Star.

H.C. Sweettooth.

I missed seeing you as well, and several other folks I enjoy shooting with.

I DO NOT feel like I was thrown to the wolves and CERTAINLY DON"T FEEL DUMPED UPON!

AND AGAIN I DID NOT RUN THIS MATCH! I went to Tin Star to help in any way I could, and would like to think I did SOME good, but I was a worker not a director. Were there some issues at the shoot, yes, but like I said earlier I have never been to a shoot where there weren't. As can be seen from this now 4 pages of posts, opinions differ on scenarios and target placements. I know I have mine and will not post them on an open forum to be thought of as trashing or the opposite. Jim and I have talked and I expressed my thoughts and ideas directly to him and to Col Callan.

As for the shoot dates for Ressurection in 2011. I talked to Jim on Wednesday and he told me that they had this date set and James Drury scheduled prior to Oakwood setting the dates for Jailbreak and that those dates cannot be changed. I am neither promoting nor trashing just relaying facts/statements as I was told.


Well I don't know when the first date for Res.V was. I do know it was not what was/is listed on the SASS schedule, which was 5/8-10-2011. Those dates would have been a Sun-Tue.


It is a shame both shoots are the same date fer sure. I have shot at Oak Wood many times and enjoy both clubs.


Since Jail Break is their annual match and Tin Star is SASS Texas State Black Powder Shootout. I will be going to Tin Star.


Besides Wifie and I love that country around Fredericksburg that time of year. Ya even get to see a Bluebonnet or two


Take care,



PS Hey 2X4 hope to see ya soon. I agree with ya on THSS, but they need to pick up the pace if they want more shooters for Trail-head.

Hey Jim....How are you doing man? Sorry I didn't get to shoot with you this last time at THSS. I agree with you on some points, but you have to admit that THSS BMs "have" been listening as that changes have been made....slowly, but made. Trailhead is now only 10 stages vs 12-14 before, have to admit that targets have been brought in a whole-lot closer compared to what they used to be, I've notice newer pistol targets & stands which are bigger than before. Rifle targets may seem smaller than at other clubs, but they are a decent size and they too have been moved in. These changes show that BMs are listening, but we have to remember they can't listen to everyone all the time....they'd be running around in circles. Changes don't happen overnight...Remember..Dodge City wasn't built in a day!!!


Whether a club is SASS or not SASS really doesn't bother me...as long as I get to enjoy the sport and ting the targets and the commeradery of fellow cowboy & cowgirl shooters having FUN...the Cowboy Spirit!!


Hey...I'm even up to assist with writing scenarios for the matches....heck that is part of the fun...I know that you got a few good stages in you!!! Maybe we just submit them to the board anyways...heck they might just use them.


Jim...hope I get to shoot with you in the next few months!! Have a safe & Happy Holiday!!!



Hey gang, 3x8 is right about THSS BMs listening to the shooters. I don't believe THSS will ever be a "B&C" match, but the BMs are making changes. There may be ONE or More, "Bigger & Closer" stages.

Trailhead will always be "Trailhead" and hundreds of cowboys and cowgirls look forward to it every year. The club is one of the "soundest" clubs in the country and is backed up by a huge working ranch. The club is building two indoor restrooms, which will eliminate the two portapots. I predict that there will be a historic number of "Clean Matches" in 2011. I might even shoot clean myself, since "51 Navies are legal in "Classic Cowboy". They are accurate!


Merry Christmas



Merry Christmas Cowhand!!


Navasota Kid

Kid, are you on the right post? :)


Merry Christmas




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