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    Black Hills D.T.

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  1. Will Rogers house is gone https://www.parks.ca.gov/NewsRelease/1346
  2. Barkeep I will have 2 of whatever he had . Funny how our minds work
  3. That literally is the ones you posted LOL so I guess you do like them
  4. I still can find that in the Commissary sometimes still not the same as the fresh in Germany , we have a small German bakery in a town near us that sometimes does it also
  5. Yeah ever have one ? They are good and well the one you posted
  6. Google is one of the worse also I recently went with this browser. https://brave.com/ And if you have a iPhone in many company's you can not take it in some areas due to security concerns , my next phone will be the Unplugged phone. https://unplugged.com/
  7. Well hope you get it all figured out quick and feel better. Now if you happen to have Netflix and are bored can you translate the series "Territory" for me worked with a couple aussie units in Iraq never could figured some of their words/ accents out LOL
  8. Iwo Jima Eagle Squadron at Ford Island North shore Hawaii
  9. Here is me not giving a crap about any Paid non essential since well years . Not like they give a crap about you
  10. Bottom one has stories of survivors https://b17flyingfortress.de/en/b17/42-31857/
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