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Everything posted by Dantankerous

  1. Marshal Chance, That Google Calendar link is indicating Gunsmoke '16. I'll presume it encompasses the third weekend of September 2017 though.
  2. I'd rather watch Tom Wopat than Susan Sarandon...
  3. Thank you. Looking forward to it.
  4. The Brisco Kid did a great job on my 1860. You can contact him at Cowboy Shooters Supply online. He is in Oklahoma.
  5. You REALLY want to make peoples' heads spin, don't you?
  6. Bump for the 2017 dates...
  7. You'll love it. Always a great time to be had at EoT.
  8. Just watched it. Not bad. A little bit spaghetti western, a little John Wick. The dog's blanket trick was great. Not very often do you see a McLellan saddle in a movie, even less it being mentioned in the dialogue.
  9. The Winchester model 12 also made an appearance or two. And is now allowed in WB. BuT I'm not sure if there were lugged sole boots...
  10. I would LOVE one in 44 Special.
  11. If'n ya got a hankerin to visit a Spanish speaking country for fun and vacation, I'd recommend Costa Rica. I've been to Mexico on several occasions starting back in 1984. Deep into Mexico as well as the sporadic boarder town visit. I sure as hell would not go there now, anywhere, for any reason. Don't see the need to take that risk. Very volition place anymore.
  12. That's like asking what my favorite dessert is. It has many many answers. 1911 platform. 45 acp. Oh, and Super 38. Single actions. 45 Colt. Carry guns. 9mm, 10 mm and 357 Sig. Carry gun in bear country. 10 mm or 44 mag. Pistol caliber used in lever action? Gee, in cowboy that would be 45 Colt although 44-40 in black powder is a very close second. Pistol caliber rifle in Bear Country? 44 Magnum. Seemingly many answers to a simple question. Or maybe I am just very indecisive.
  13. I'm looking forward to seeing the Winchester '66 in a "working/shooting" model, not simply an engraved show gun. Hopefully the caliber selection will be diverse and usable.
  14. A great pictorial book on cowboy dress in the Montana area circa 1885 to early 1900s is titled 'I See By Your Outfit'. Notice it is not, 'I See By Your Costume'. Hmmm.
  15. How about we deliver the start line in period correct English? Would HBO's Deadwood series' use of profanity laced Victorian grammar be a SDQ or just a SoG penalty? I can hear Al SWEARengen now..."And who might be the blankety blank blank blanking gentleman gallivanting gaily around my thoroughfare wearing lugged soled footwear, a hammer loop on his pants and shell loops over his shell loops? What is the sum and substance of this immoralism, dare I query"?
  16. Filmed Elsewhere is becoming pretty normal. Lower production costs, I guess. Hell on Wheels and Open Range were both shot in Canada.
  17. What Rooster said. Compared to some of what qualifies as westerns over the last year-and-a-half I'm surprised anyone takes any issue at all with Hatfields and McCoys. :)
  18. I guess I'm lucky. My local Cabela's seems to always have Federal primers in stock. I don't pay much attention to the quantity of small pistol primers but every time I look large pistol and large pistol magnum primers are available. Their prices are usually in line with other local retailers and sometimes even cheaper. Lately the local Cabela's has had in stock Trail Boss powder. There are two places locally where I have seen Trail Boss powder available and Cabela's is beating the other place's price by $5 per bottle. The local Cabela's does not seem to carry any decent inventory of lead and their Star Line and Winchester brass is overpriced, but they do always have brass if you find yourself in a pinch and want to pony up a couple more dollars per bag. The local Cabela's Gun Library always has some interesting firearms and they seem to maintain a healthy inventory with new stuff coming in all the time. I have found several very good deals this last year and there were several more I unfortunately missed out on. Two of last year's purchases involved a successful price negotiation wirh the gun counter manager. All in all I am mostly a happy Cabela's customer except for some of the extremely shoddy workmanship I have found on some of their Pietta cap and ball revolvers which is another story entirely. Like I said, I guess I'm just lucky.
  19. Anyone know if this has the weak stock loading gate like the Uberti 66 does?
  20. This thread has become highly entertaining.
  21. Costume sounds pretty Halloween...
  22. If we're really going for period correct shouldn't at least half of us get cholera, TB, Typhus or Scarlet fever too?
  23. Back up for NYE.
  24. Yup. The anonymity of the keyboard allowing anyone to be brave and brash without recourse. Some call it the keyboard commando syndrome. The crass and rude anonymous online commentary and insults just more fuel to add to the fire of decaying morals in the culture. Something about no more individual accountability. Seems as if the quote, "I hate rude behavior in a man." applies here. I am glad cowboys, er, uh, I mean cowfolk to be PC, don't follow the crowd. We stand on our own. This SASSWIRE is always a great place to seek friendship and refuge from the rest of the online world, if to nothing more than read and re read posts. There have been a few disagreements here but the mods usually stop it if'n the offenders ain't not already come to an understanding and smoothed things over. Good topic, OP. And good observation.
  25. I found a fix for that small waist synrome. Doughnuts. It works.
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