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John Barleycorn, SASS #76982

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Everything posted by John Barleycorn, SASS #76982

  1. Ah ha! right where I left it
  2. That's why I recommend the two or three number prefix method of identification.
  3. So are the notches cut deeper in the large frame Vaqueros?
  4. Two digit serial prefix original Vaquero. Three digit prefix New Vaquero
  5. Welcome to the best shooting game ever. I would be glad to help, I sent you a PM
  6. Currently out of stock
  7. Sure, the first two letters of the serial number are CB
  8. Flat, I grip high and this slight change in grip eliminated hammer bite.
  9. The classifieds are filled with bargains and fine sellers and buyers. 99.9% smooth transactions.
  10. I used them in my Cattlemans when I found that the Lee Gunslinger springs were too light and primer ignition was inconsistent. The Wolff springs were a little stronger and got rid of the primer problem.
  11. I have a brand new Winchester 73 short rifle $995 plus shipping.
  12. Have you tried Wolff Springs?
  13. Dawg, Get well soon. JB & Bdoc
  14. Big thumbs up 👍 from Barleycorn 🤠
  15. Barleycorn Outfitters ships to CA.
  16. I would suppose you would need to contact the Wild Bunch rule committee.
  17. Ok, so have you requested a rule change?As a side thought does a Model 12 need modification to hold 6? If not get a nice Model 12 for $300-400
  18. Sorry I just don't see the point. If one wants to compete without the so called handicap one has to have the right equipment to play the game.
  19. I don't know why one would not just change the spring. One can always put the original back in after the match.
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