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Nimble Fingers SASS# 25439

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Everything posted by Nimble Fingers SASS# 25439

  1. Just a suggestion, you might want to add a price and if shipping is included or separate. I looked a couple of times and didn’t see it but am without my readers.
  2. Agreed as I also shoot .44spcl, but you never know the over all length (OAL) needed until you try. But it could also be a chance that if you shorten the mag tube spring they would fit. However I was talking more about the.45 Colt models as they are next to .357 in popularity. Still loading on the clock isn’t bad if you really like the rifle!
  3. And 10 round magazines! Most of these new lever guns are coming in 9 round tube magazines. Perhaps a shorter magazine spring would get them the 10th round in the mag, but, again if the shooter really wants to shoot it and is ok loading one from the belt to get to 10, I say go for it!
  4. I was hoping he had one from The Comancheros movie. I want to get a Rossi, octagon 24” barreled .44 mag 92 and plate the receiver, remove the forearm and plate the curved butt stock, thinking it should come pretty close. Always live John Wayne holding it up and then giving it to Jack Elam!
  5. OK for you who missed it in the movie theater it’s on right now HBO 8 o’clock and it’s also on max if you missed it tonight you can always rewatch it on demand worth watching even if it is three hours worth watching!
  6. I could sear I thought it was what I was saying but I need to look at the show again. My memory must be playing tricks on me. I could swear that he had an 1873 rifle long barrel like I said that 40 but 30 inches and he had a nice brass scope on the top of it and he was the sharpshooter the group I could be wrong anyway thanks gentlemen.
  7. My bad, no I believe it was a 30” barrel as I remember the “tube” scope was very long as well, thanks for catching my typo.
  8. And the 1873 was a 40” barrel with a scope on it, yes o remember that too. I found them on YouTube, will have something to watch this weekend.
  9. I am sorry too, but I beg to differ, he may have also used as shown in the picture but at the beginning of the series he had an 1873, I remember seeing and wondering why they used an 1873 instead of the 1892. I will see if the series is on YouTube or some other channel. I am thinking it was the pilot that he used it when the fighting for the mixed race village among the cable channels.
  10. And the character Vin used an 1873 Winchester Mare’s Leg with “I think” a regular loop lever, but my memory might be letting me down! LOVED that show wanted it to stay on but good ole CBS said no!
  11. Knew someone would know, have a New Service, and I can’t tell the difference except for military markings and a landward “ring” on the butt.
  12. Robert Mitchum shooting in the pew in El Dorado! Damn these HDTVs! I believe just from the size it was either a Colt New Service or 1917 in .45 Colt, but I could be wrong and I am sure someone will correct me if need be. I would assume that the shotgun went thru the proper paperwork after the issues they had with the original Mare’s Leg in Wanted Dead or Alive. I believe someone posted here that the ATF came roaring in with fine of 10,000 and possible prison time, shut down production for a while.
  13. That’s the only “video” I have seen too! No one has reviewed it, I am thinking that the presented at Shot Shiw and then it disappeared!
  14. I have one as well, one of my treasured cased sets! Good price for anyone looking for 2nd Gen Colt black powder 1860s, and all the accessories!
  15. Are you talking east coast or west coast, I have heard both have one. I am done by Ft Lauderdale how far away are you?
  16. Yup , that’s the one! Non on Gunbroker, Buds and a few other retail locations.
  17. I have yet to see one even offered for sale or written about. Has anyone here have any experience with one?
  18. Might want to edit your original post above with the size and caliber.
  19. DELAYED, not scrapped. As said here “Chapter 1” needs more revenue, both in theaters and video on demand. I have been a member since early 2000s and all that time every has complained that there aren’t enough westerns made, well here’s one and instead of running to the theaters to see it, I keep hearing excuses! Go see the film!
  20. Ok, I have heard that Colt will re-roll the original markings on a 1911 as well when you get one that has seen a lot of action as US Property, but then I also heard that they were backed up and it would take 1 to 2 years to get anything back from them. Never been to the plant/offices and now that I recall I did see where I believe they turned over their parts department to either Midway or Brownell but I could be having a Joe Biden senior moment. But if you are saying that they repair it for free, with replacing the parts and service at no charge, then I am all in! Do I contact the service department first?
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