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Okie Sawbones, SASS #77381

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Everything posted by Okie Sawbones, SASS #77381

  1. Kick the can was one of the better ones.
  2. I was watching an Australian cooking show and the audience applauded when the chef made meringue... I was surprised... I thought Australians usually boo meringue.
  3. The only way she is a singer is if she is a sewing machine.
  4. Do the people involved ever require a preview performance?
  5. I consistently shoot 10 shot groupings from 500 yds. that you can lay a dime over. If I'm lyin'. I'm dyin'.
  6. Absolutely pay attention to cures and their various names like Tender Quick, Prague Powder, Pink Salt, Cure #1, Cure #2, etc. I buy all of my supplies for making bacon, sausage, pastrami. pepperoni and other stuff from Butcher & Packer and The Sausage Maker. Both are top notch outfits.
  7. I make a lot of bacon. Costco sells pork bellies at a reasonable price. So do Mexican markets. There are a lot of online sites on how to make bacon. One good one is here. Feel free to ask specific questions after your review.
  8. I just want to know if you could lick the pie off of your chosen actor/actress?
  9. So who is the DNC going to put forward as their candidate?
  10. Always an interesting thought, comparing yesterday to today. The trouble is there are so many variables. The baseball itself changed over the years. Rule changes, e.g. outlawing the spitball come into play. Ted Williams, Joe DiMaggio and Bob Feller left to go serve their country during WWII, so what could they have done? Training is superior today. And on and on. I believe an all star team today would whip the earlier players, but it would be fin to watch.
  11. https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-search/Decatur_TX/type-single-family-home
  12. No one could ever fill his shoes. I still enjoy watching a show on YouTube occasionally, especially the ones with Carnac the Magnificent.
  13. Sgt. William H. Carney was the first African American to be awarded the Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest military decoration, on this day in history, May 23, 1900, for his efforts at protecting the American flag during the Civil War, says History.com. Sgt. Carney was born into slavery. He joined the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment during the Civil War, said the National Museum of the U.S. Army. "As his regiment gained the crest of the parapet at the Confederate-held Fort Wagner in South Carolina, Sgt. Carney took up the American flag after earlier color bearers fell and he carried the flag to the fort, rallying and inspiring the men around him," the museum site notes. Despite being seriously injured, Sgt. Carney said, "Boys, I only did my duty; the old flag never touched the ground," according to the same source. Although this notable act of heroism happened in 1863, Sgt. Carney was not awarded the country’s highest military honor until May 23, 1900. After the Civil War, Sgt. Carney worked as one of the earliest U.S. letter carriers and frequently spoke in public about how he saved the U.S. flag, the library of the State of Virginia says. Whether you are brown, black, white, or yellow, it is a shame that the pride of our nation has deteriorated so deeply. We need more heroes like Sgt. Carney. God bless him.
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