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Jackaroo, # 29989

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Status Updates posted by Jackaroo, # 29989

  1. Hi Willie, how ya going,. You want em?

    1. Scrub Oak Willie 53737

      Scrub Oak Willie 53737

      Yes , I'm in N.C. will be home late tomorrow. Can finalize how to do it then,. will be in touch.

    2. Jackaroo, # 29989
  2. Hi Rico,

    I've been advised that you may have a 1887 coyote cap tuned lever shotgun for sale.

    If you have I'd be interested.



    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Jackaroo, # 29989

      Jackaroo, # 29989

      Hi Rico, are we still working on this?


    3. RICO, SASS #9760LIFE

      RICO, SASS #9760LIFE

      There are no markings on the hammer of my '87..................


    4. Jackaroo, # 29989

      Jackaroo, # 29989

      OK thanks for the update Rico

      Seems he did not work on it then despite the special edition stamp.

      I'll keep looking, thanks for your patience.

      Kind Regards


  3. Got any pics Boom?

    Is it Cap actioned like I want?

    Many thanks.

  4. Tell me how you want the loot.

    I can Paypal if you have an account or check on the pony.

    Let me know and i'll give an address to send to.



  5. Hey Tomahawk,

    Do you know that Mollys have the SASS man logo they can put on your buckles instead of the crossed pistols.,

    Just ask them in your order you want the SASS man, they can only doing it for SASS cowboy shooting events.


    Jackaroo (back in OZ now)

  6. You going to EOT MM?

    We'll be at CO state shoot then EOT, if'n you can do a $1000.00 for them guns, you'd have a deal.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mudflat Mike, SASS #20904

      Mudflat Mike, SASS #20904

      Actually, I can have 'em delivered at EOT and save you the transfer fees if that works

    3. Jackaroo, # 29989

      Jackaroo, # 29989

      I can do a $1000.00 cash. Do you have someone going to CO state on way to EOT..?

    4. Mudflat Mike, SASS #20904

      Mudflat Mike, SASS #20904

      Sold 'em today, sorry


  7. Hi Smokie,

    Can you send some pics to brtssw@gmail.com or on Messenger please.

    What's your phone number and best time to call?


    1. Smokie, SASS # 6061

      Smokie, SASS # 6061

      I'll send some pictures.




      I'm at home and will be until 3pm

  8. Did you send a check Kid haven't yet r ceived anything?

    1. El Hombre Sin Nombre

      El Hombre Sin Nombre

      I did. Might be delayed because of the holiday? 

    2. Jackaroo, # 29989

      Jackaroo, # 29989

      OK will be on the lookout.

  9. Did you send a check Kid haven't yet r ceived anything?

  10. If they're 38's I'll take them Goldie,

     let me know.

    Maybe you can give them to Cooncan to bring down,she comes down to our practice shoot.

    Can ring me on 903 394 8678

  11. Send to 


    15437 Swallowtail Road


    OK 73013

    $50.00 should cover it all with shipping.

    Note your address and I'll get it done.

    Thank you.

  12. Hey Johnny are you making your 110gn coated bullets yet?

    I have all the techno infor if you like and some sample powder.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Medicine Creek Johnny

      Medicine Creek Johnny

      $65 per thousand. I can send you a handful in an envelope if you want to experiment with some before buying. I can get 3500 in a medium flat rate box for $15 shipping

    3. Jackaroo, # 29989

      Jackaroo, # 29989

      OK, I'm back in Aussie for a couple of months. Will contact you when we get back.

      We may catch up at NE state, we were hoping that it would be on the third weekend but it clashes with the TX state too now.


    4. Medicine Creek Johnny

      Medicine Creek Johnny

      Sounds good. Will you be at winter range

  13. Hi Dogmeat Dad,

    When are the dates for the 2018 Eastern Divisional please.?

    And when you have them can you advise the SASS office to put them up on the Shooting Events page.

    We are planning a longer trip  east  next year and the earlier we know the better.

    Many thanks,


    1. Dogmeat Dad, SASS #48563L

      Dogmeat Dad, SASS #48563L



      Glad to hear you may be heading east of the Mississippi again and we would love to have you back at the Stampede.  We made some big changes last year and the event was very well received.  Much remains to make it the match I want it to be, but we are off to a very good start.


      While it may seem later than normal this year, it is just the result of vagaries of the calendar.  We always end on the 1st Sunday in October and for 2017 it was the Oct 1st, but for 2018 it is on Oct 7th.   That said, for 2018, the primary dates for the Eastern Divisional will be as follows, but obviously we are still working out the details.


      4 Oct 2018 - Thur - Side Match Day

      5 Oct 2018 - Fri - Main Match Day #1

      6 Oct 2018 - Sat - Main Match Day #2


      In 2017, we held the Awards Ceremony on Saturday Night off site at a local American Legion and it seemed to be very well received.  I am anticipating that we will do that again for 2018.  The only disappointment with that schedule is that the Top Gun Shoot-Off on Sunday was very poorly attended.  I certainly understand that folks want to hit the road for home (or their next shooting event) but I felt bad for the folks that earned their place in the Shoot-Off.  Still trying to figure that how to fix that.


      I will forward this on to SASS also.  They should have it already, but the wheels of HQ sometimes come off the rails!  :rolleyes:


      Looking forward to your "potential" revisit.





    2. Jackaroo, # 29989

      Jackaroo, # 29989

      Hi DD,

      OK that's sounds fine, I thought it may be that weekend. We want to go to Heluva Ruckus next year then come down to you guys, then on the Wartrace TN on the way home. Makes a longer gap, but I'm sure we can fill it in some how. Of course Niagara is the first stop I guess. Anyway we'll see.

      I hope next year the weather is as good as this year, compared to 2016 when it was so miserable!

      Yes, we also used to do a top gun shoot off here at Land Run on the Sunday but the same result happened.

      Unless the awards are done after,  most tend to hit the road.

      At Land Run we also do the awards at the banquet at the National Cowboy and History Museum, fantastic, you need to come over one year. Next year is 19-21 April

      What we have done the past few years, is have a top gun shoot off on the Friday PM before the range dinner, but we made it open to all.! Needless to say last year it didn't boost numbers & was also quite poorly attended and only had 18 shooters, of course then you get bye's which is a pain. 

      We  did it that way so as to not reveal who the potential top 16 would be if they just took them from the first days results. !

      The only way is to do it on Sunday am just like EOT and WR & have the awards after, there's no getting around it, or dump it altogether.?

      Have a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year and be safe, all being good we'll see ya in 2018.


  14. Boomstick's got some in Leonard texas.

    1. Two Spurs

      Two Spurs

      Talked to him yesterday. Thanks mucho.  Y'all going to SW Regional?

    2. Jackaroo, # 29989

      Jackaroo, # 29989

      Yea man, it's our backyard??

  15. Hi Major,

    I'd be interested and would like to check it out at EOT please.

    My phone number is 903 394 8678 and we're at the Sunset Motel in Moriaty.



    1. Major Pain

      Major Pain

      Ok. Thank you. 

  16. Hi Johnny, I could be interested in a lever you have (straight stock) if you still have them.

    How much without shipping, you bring to EoT?

    One our our Aussie guys is looking for one.

    Many thanks.

    1. Johnny Meadows,SASS#28485L

      Johnny Meadows,SASS#28485L

      I have one and will bring it to EOT if you want. J.M.

  17. Cole did you get my last pm.

    I am interested in that 73 you have for sale. Can you email some pics to brtssw4@bigpond.com

    Also are you going to Winter Range?

    Many thanks JAck

  18. Hi there to all my cowboy pards & gals.

    I look forward to meet some more of ya in 2012 on our next trip.

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