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Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

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Everything posted by Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474

  1. Hodgdon has loads for .38 Short Colt driving 93 and 135 grain bullets using HP-38 and Titegroup. Maybe you can work something out from that data, keeping things on the low side. I've used the data from .45 ACP to load .45 Cowboy Special, keeping on the lower end of the charge range. YMMV
  2. Shooting .22's on an indoor range, lady near me ejected a mis-fired ,22LR. When it hit the floor it popped and the case hit the fellow next position over, in the ankle. He was wearing jeans and had his winter outdoor boots on, but there was a bit of brass stuck in the boot. Weird. We were fairly certain if it was a delayed ignition, not from hitting the floor, since the batch we sold at the range had a couple of squibs and one I was shooting cleared the barrel and at 20 yards indoors, you could see the bullet in flight, dropping like a stone and something else behind it that flared partway down the range. Bullet never made it to the backstop. CIL/Dominion rep gave took away what we had remaining and gave us a new case from a different lot number.
  3. If it was run by private enterprise, the same way our governments\ have run the pension funds, it would have been called a Ponzi!
  4. Amazing what the PRC can do with the money we've sent them.
  5. This is for two unnamed posters in this thread. Share it between ya!
  6. Good designs just keep on truckin'! Example: The C47/DC3/Dakota first flew in 1936, 88 years ago and some are still in service around the world.
  7. I'd put it away, in the instance you described, but whenever the Commissioner dropped in, he knew where to look in my credenza and we'd have a little taste while we talked. Miss you George.
  8. Congratulations on both promotions. I envy your commitment and ability to handle them all! I couldn't do it.
  9. I gave up on wet tumbling with SS pins and went back to a sonic cleaner, followed by dry tumbling with media.. Maybe this will answer. Thanks for the post.
  10. Looks like some of those Pod things Ripley brought back. There's only one thing you can do:
  11. Not only that, they don't say AAARRRGH! or drink rum!
  12. York was the former name of the City of Toronto. You PO'd us with that, so with our First Nation allies, we visited Washington, just to say Hi There!
  13. I perhaps future games will have Men; Women and maybe "Other"? Or will the OIC create events for the other 67 genders?
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