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Cimmaron 73

Sonny James

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I just bought a Cimarron 73 and it won’t load a shell every time . It seems to jam up on the way into the barrel. Once I push down on the shell it goes in with no trouble. Is this something I can adjust myself or do I need a gunsmith?

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I'm not sure I'm understanding what is happening.  Are you saying that the cartridge won't feed from the carrier into the chamber as the bolt goes forward?  When everything works properly the round ( 45 or 44?) is pushed forward by the bolt as the carrier drops.  If the round is hitting the top of the barrel the carrier is coming up too much and the round is not aligning with the entrance to the chamber.  Is that what is happening?  When the rifle is in battery, is the bottom of the carrier flush with the frame?

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Yes that is what is happening. The round seems to not go in level. When I push down on the round it seems to line it up and it goes right in. Some rounds go right in and others are too high. Is there an adjustment for that?


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Some of the folks who have more experience than I will chime in later, but I would start with checking the rifle. Is the tab at the end of the loading gate damaged?  That is what keeps the rounds in the magazine from entering the action when the carrier is in the uppermost position.  If the parts appear to be in order, I would check the ammunition.  Are all rounds the same length?  Since they are factory rounds I would expect they are, but some may be too long.  Can you get hold of some other ammo to check?  In the end, the best way to go would be to take it back to the seller, who may have some experience with '73s.  Sorry I can't be of more help, but the solution this type of problem can be through trial and error.

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.... and what is the caliber?


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Same reason the '73 action doesn't like wadcutter or semi-wadctter ammo, as the square face of the chamber mouth meeting a sharp corner on the ammo will more likely need "jiggling" to have a square peg go in a round hole.


Can be "fixed" by rounding over the chamber mouth very slightly, or simply using using a roll crimp on RFN or TC bullets.

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If a tighter crimp solves this problem with factory ammo, yes, I'd probably very lightly stone the chamber mouth with a hand-held grinder VERY CAREFULLY.   Just put a 45 degree bevel that is about 0.002" deep into the chamber wall.  The mouth of the load not being rolled properly into the crimp groove is catching the rear of the chamber wall.  DO NOT scratch up the main chamber walls while doing this.  If your smithing experience does not seem to be sufficient, seek out a cowboy gun smith!


Beveling will help prevent this again if you get lightly-crimped factory ammo, or you even make some yourself that has little crimp.


Were I to buy factory loaded ammo, it would not be HSM brand due to my previous experience with low levels of quality control.


Either Truncated Cone bullets or Round Nose Flat Point bullets should feed very well.


And, check that the cartridge support tab at the bottom edge of the front of the bolt is not bent or broken off.  That tab controls the rear end of the cartridge as it chambers.



Edited by Garrison Joe, SASS #60708
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Sorry this question is not on about this post but other post was archived I'm trying to reload fed top gun hulls with plastic base wad I want more that 1200fps because that won't cycle my semi auto shot gun need 1250 to 1350 fps I'm  using blue dot not sure on charge grains . Fed 209 primer and clay buster replacement wad for 12s3and 12s4. 1/14oz lead shot Amy thoughts.? Thks

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