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So you think CAS is an expensive hobby ?

Buckshot Bob

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“Look at how much work we put in to bring this to you!”

Bull S***! You put in all this work to have fun and did a video to massage your ego and make money on YouTube. Be honest, Man. 

It does look like fun though. When I saw the opening scenes I thought “What a maroon! Doesn’t he know bullets skip on water?” Then he showed where he was loading plastic practice rounds. I doubt they skip very far. 

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Be a serious photographer.  When you start dropping $3000+ on lenses and $5000 on camera bodies, SASS doesn't look quite as expensive.


As my father (he's the serious photographer) stated "Any hobby is expensive if you become really serious about it"


And if you think you've spent a lot on your hobby, think about jay Leno's car collection.  Has to be worth at least tens of millions of dollars.

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I have shot professionally since 1968.
I can certainly attest to the current cost of bodies and lenses.

The sad part:  I have a huge amount of $$ in now-obsolete film cameras ranging from underwater, to 35mm to 6x6cm to 6x7cm and 4x5 inch.
My 8x10 inch Calumet went away in the early 70s... I can only imagine what it costs to feed it today.

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If you think Cowboy action shooting is expensive  ?

This is the most expensive hobby I ever had .




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38 minutes ago, Chantry said:

Be a serious photographer.  When you start dropping $3000+ on lenses and $5000 on camera bodies, SASS doesn't look quite as expensive.


As my father (he's the serious photographer) stated "Any hobby is expensive if you become really serious about it"


And if you think you've spent a lot on your hobby, think about jay Leno's car collection.  Has to be worth at least tens of millions of dollars.

My hobbies are napping and bitching about idiot drivers.  Doesn't cost much.

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