Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062 Posted April 29, 2021 Posted April 29, 2021 6 minutes ago, Ramblin Gambler said: ............... Oh look it happened to be a pat riot meme that I wanted to comment on. Well played, Sir
Alpo Posted April 29, 2021 Author Posted April 29, 2021 41 minutes ago, Ramblin Gambler said: It wasn't spiderman who said it, it was his uncle Ben. Maybe technically he has said it, but he was quoting Uncle Ben when he did. I didn't know he was a philosopher. I thought Uncle Ben made rice.
Smuteye John SASS#24774 Posted April 30, 2021 Posted April 30, 2021 On 4/29/2021 at 6:58 AM, Alpo said: Pat, I am starting to feel your frustration. Y'all folks is confusing me. I started this thread for one simple reason. If you felt the need to comment on one of the memes in the meme thread, come to this thread, post that meme, and make your comment. So why are you posting other memes in this thread? It's happens in the usual way- for the Saloon.
Alpo Posted April 30, 2021 Author Posted April 30, 2021 Not sure whether ol' Stefan there is an idiot, or whether he is in advertising or some other propaganda industry. "Slavery in America lasted 84 years." Hmmm. Well if we take 1865, when slavery officially stopped, and subtract 84 years, we get 1781. That's when the war ended and we officially became the United States. So he's counting slavery in America from the beginning of the United States. The 150 years or so of African slavery by the English in America doesn't count. The hundred years before that of Indian slavery by the Spanish doesn't count. And the thousands of years before that of Indian slavery by other Indian tribes doesn't count. To quote the lepus genius, "Whata maroon!"
Ramblin Gambler Posted April 30, 2021 Posted April 30, 2021 1 hour ago, Alpo said: Not sure whether ol' Stefan there is an idiot, or whether he is in advertising or some other propaganda industry. "Slavery in America lasted 84 years." Hmmm. Well if we take 1865, when slavery officially stopped, and subtract 84 years, we get 1781. That's when the war ended and we officially became the United States. So he's counting slavery in America from the beginning of the United States. The 150 years or so of African slavery by the English in America doesn't count. The hundred years before that of Indian slavery by the Spanish doesn't count. And the thousands of years before that of Indian slavery by other Indian tribes doesn't count. To quote the lepus genius, "Whata maroon!" So he should have said "In the USA" to be more precise? Even then it would have been disingenuous because it ignored the english slavery. But I don't think the slavery perpetuated on the indians or by the indians should count for what he's talking about. Or better yet to be more relevant since he's talking about a religion, add up the years of Christian slavery. That would include what the spaniards did. It would probably include a bunch of other stuff too.
Alpo Posted April 30, 2021 Author Posted April 30, 2021 1 hour ago, Ramblin Gambler said: So he should have said "In the USA" to be more precise? Since the point I am sure he was crying to make was about enslaving Africans, he should have said African slavery, and he should have started his count at 1619, which is when the first Dutch slave ship arrived, and not at 1781. Then it would have said 246 years, which is still drastically shorter than the 1700+ the Muslims are doing, and he would have been correct. I don't mind people making a point. I just want them to tell the truth while they're doing it.
Alpo Posted May 3, 2021 Author Posted May 3, 2021 In the three or four comments about this meme on the other thread, Pat had clicked the confused icon. Now I don't know whether he was confused about why people keep commenting in that thread, when there is now a specific thread just for comments. Or if he was confused about what a surfing leash is. This is a surfing leash. It attaches your surfboard to you. When you wipe out your board does not go flying 30 40 100 ft through the air and hit somebody upside the head. It snatches hard and disjoints your knee.
Alpo Posted May 3, 2021 Author Posted May 3, 2021 While I like this meme, neither a Glock nor a Colt 1911 ever killed a Nazi. Both of these Firearms are inanimate pieces of metal, and inanimate pieces of metal cannot kill. They can be used to kill, but they cannot kill. One would think a pro gun person would know that.
Raylan Posted May 3, 2021 Posted May 3, 2021 I think some people miss the entire context of this. Slavery has existed for almost the entire history of the human race. It always was and is evil. But today in the USA we treat slavery as a uniquely American phenomena and evil. And today people are pushing for reparations and wanting to hold people today in this country responsible morally, legally, and financially for slavery that pre-existed the existance of this country. And following the birth of this country from the blood and sacrifice of the Revolutionary War, slavery existed for about 85 years until the even bloodier Civil War, the bloodiest war in our nations history. Evidently for those of us with family who fought and sacrificed in the Civil War, it means nothing as far as payment morally, or legally, or financially for those evils, even if no slaves were ever owned by ones family and they died ending slavery. So put it in context - slavery has existed for the entirety of human history - it was not invented here - it existed in the America's before any contact with "Western Culture" - practiced along with human sacrifice and even canabalism by some tribes and nations. How exactly the USA is responsible for the slavery existant here before the USA existed as a nation is idiotic and insufferable. To write off the many dead, crippled, and wounded from the Civil War ending slavery as not worthy of significant note is disgusting and contemptible. To specify only African American slavery and ignore the suffering of many Irish dragooned to the Caribean and the America's with many of those crossbred with African slaves and their progony condemned to lives of the same lifetime slavery is disingenuous. And lastly to pretend that the present 1619 project and other revisionist history isn't part of a political and social agenda designed to rewrite and destroy the foundations of traditional American culture in service of political power seeking and a radical social agenda is beyond pathetic. That's the whole point of the Meme or his post, the hypocritical view that takes slavery out of context making it a specific American evil that completely defines our nation and its history - while carefully crafting a false narrative that condemns the nation and twists or ignores the multitude of efforts for justice, for all the sacrifices and progress made, for all the good men and women who lived and fought the good fight for freedom and liberty for all.
Perro Del Diablo Posted May 5, 2021 Posted May 5, 2021 7 hours ago, Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474 said: From the beginning
Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062 Posted May 5, 2021 Posted May 5, 2021 7 hours ago, Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474 said: 13 minutes ago, Perro Del Diablo said: From the beginning ........... are you sure ???
Smuteye John SASS#24774 Posted May 5, 2021 Posted May 5, 2021 12 hours ago, Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474 said: But is it really highjacking when the OP is the one that heads it off onto a tangent?
Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062 Posted May 6, 2021 Posted May 6, 2021 3 hours ago, Perro Del Diablo said: I don't ever want to be that cool
Perro Del Diablo Posted May 7, 2021 Posted May 7, 2021 15 hours ago, Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062 said: I don't ever want to be that cool Only @patriot can be that cool
Smuteye John SASS#24774 Posted May 7, 2021 Posted May 7, 2021 5 hours ago, Perro Del Diablo said: Only @patriot can be that cool Not necessarily.
Alpo Posted May 7, 2021 Author Posted May 7, 2021 Reminds me of a movie I saw one time. These two "not real bright" criminals had kidnapped this little girl, and had her in a cave out in the desert. There was a big dumb bad guy and a little "I am just so smart" bad guy. And the big guy had fixed supper. Little guy says, "boy this is good. What is it?" Big guy says, "RABBIT". Where'd you get a rabbit? OUT THERE, ON THE ROAD. The little guy's fork stops about halfway up to his mouth, and in total horror he says, "you're feeding me a squished rabbit off the highway??!!?!?" IT WAS FRESH. IT WAS STILL WARM. Found a clip. Starts at 0:43
Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062 Posted May 7, 2021 Posted May 7, 2021 5 hours ago, Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474 said: ............ actually, I hope he does .......
Smuteye John SASS#24774 Posted May 7, 2021 Posted May 7, 2021 48 minutes ago, Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062 said: ............ actually, I hope he does ....... I'm with you. Betcha that we could sell tickets to that one.
Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062 Posted May 9, 2021 Posted May 9, 2021 ..... unless they moved it, the Museum of Fire is to the right and would not be in frame. cool picture anyway ......
Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062 Posted May 10, 2021 Posted May 10, 2021 ..... she's gonna get pretty hot if she stays out in the sun ..... SEE, ...... I can do it right ....... now and then .......
Alpo Posted May 10, 2021 Author Posted May 10, 2021 2 hours ago, Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062 said: ..... she's gonna get pretty hot if she stays out in the sun ..... SEE, ...... I can do it right ....... now and then ....... Well, that makes two of us.
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