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Just testing file attachments




The other topic where we were discussing pictures is locked and we can't reply. There is still no option in the editor to allow for attachments. We are probably not in the security group that is allowed to do that, just a guess on my part. Thank you for your assistance on this.

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LOL! That didn't work. I selected a photo from my PC to post, using more reply options.

When he gets it fixed their will be a Attach Files section in the full editor. You mat already have it as an admin.

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Are you using the 'more reply options' reply editor, or the quick editor?



I can access your attachment, James. However, what they want is for the photo to show in the post, not as a link, and they want to be able to post directly from their PCs.



I've mentioned this before, but in another forum that uses what I believe is the same software my full editor view has a section for attachments and after attaching the picture a button to "Add to post". This is the "Full Editor" screenshot of me editing an old post. They may have a plugin of some kind that I am not aware of but this is what it looks like at GolfWRX.com




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So, I guess we still have to post photos in an on line service to post them here...


I tried reading through y'all's posts here and attaching a photo (jpeg) using what I gathered you all were doing and nothing. I tried clicking the "attach image" icon in the tool bar above and it requires a URL. I tried clicking on the "paste" icon above and dropping the photo in that way and nothing. Perhaps we, non admin types, cannot do this at all at this point.


Not complaining, just letting you know...or perhaps I am not telling you anything new.


Thank you and Merry Christmas

Pat Riot :FlagAm:

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Folks, I do not see any option for enabling inline insertion of images. As for attaching them, it is enabled for all members on all forums. If you can't do it... I don't know what to tell you at this point.

Hi James,


I don't know if this will help. It seems you and I can post directly from our computers. So it is a permission that is turned on for Administrators.





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I've mentioned this before, but in another forum that uses what I believe is the same software my full editor view has a section for attachments and after attaching the picture a button to "Add to post". This is the "Full Editor" screenshot of me editing an old post. They may have a plugin of some kind that I am not aware of but this is what it looks like at GolfWRX.com







However you are doing that is the best way to do it.

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Thank you. I was hoping someone would say something besides Photobucket.


Your welcome. It used to be a close race between Photobucket and ImageShack. Now Photobucket is beyond awful and I believe ImageShack to only be free for 30 days(I think old accounts may still be free). I have thought about creating a place for us cowboys to host images but haven't found the right software and am a bit hesitant because of security(Russian hacking and such).

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Your welcome. It used to be a close race between Photobucket and ImageShack. Now Photobucket is beyond awful and I believe ImageShack to only be free for 30 days(I think old accounts may still be free). I have thought about creating a place for us cowboys to host images but haven't found the right software and am a bit hesitant because of security(Russian hacking and such).

I won't use Photobucket as I had some photos of mine a few years ago show up in advertisements from a company in Florida...Weird.


Thanks for all you do. It is appreciated.

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I'm back to having to "refresh" 8 or 10 times to get the WIRE to open for me. Sometimes it opens with avatars as pictures sometimes as broken picture frames.

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  • 4 weeks later...

More reply option give no edit options.


I've been using a Samsung tablet (Android) to view and post on forum using the full website version. When I select the "More reply options", it didn't always give me any option. No font choices. No emoticons. No insert photos. No nothing more than the quick reply. Several times over past couple of years, I'd get the full edit options and then it would go back to being dumb again.


Yesterday I bought a new Samsung Galaxy Tab 2s 9.7 to replace my now dead Samsung tablet. I thought now that I have the latest and clean machine, the full editor will work. Nope, still just the dumb version. I tried on Chrome, generic Web browser and downloaded Firefox and none of them give me the full edit menus.


I have a Samsung Galaxy smart phone I use in mobile mode and it does not give me full editor options either. But that's not a big deal.


The full edit menus work in ever other forum I use.


Is there a patch or switch in the Wire software that is not always installed or set right?

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