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SO, how do I get my electronic copy of the CC

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Going to the various Menus all I get is VERY old copies of the CC - so how do I get the ltest copies of the CC?


STL Suomi


Any paper/magazine is financed by advertisers. Subscription costs are generally not much more than postage and handling. Going electronic is VERY smart and anyone with a computer/smart phone or tablet can access it most anywhere. This is a no brainer from where I sit. YMMV

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STL Suomi


If you are registered for the Members Only section on the SASS home page, the current copy is available. Once you log in to the Members Only, you'll find "Cowboy Chronicle" about halfway down the menu on the left. After you click on that you'll be on the archives page. Right under the title of that page you'll see something to the effect of "click here for current Cowboy Chronicle."

Click on that & it will download.



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Hello Folks,


If you did not receive the emails, Misty's and the one with the Chronicle download information, use the following Webpage to update your member information. http://www.sassnet.com/Membership-Update-Info-001A.php




Allie Mo

Allie Mo:


I went to that website and it had my correct address on file. Have not received Misty's email nor any emails with the new electronic newspaper. In fact, I don't think that I've gotten any emails from SASS for several years now. Sounds like there are a bunch of us who are not receiving communication from SASS.

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Hello Folks,


If you did not receive the emails, Misty's and the one with the Chronicle download information, use the following Webpage to update your member information. http://www.sassnet.com/Membership-Update-Info-001A.php




Allie Mo

Allie Mo,

I followed your link and submitted the info 5 days ago, but when I tried to register on the MEMBERS ONLY page this morning, I get an error message that "email is not in the database". Does that mean that the database has not been updated yet?

Tarheel Rifleman

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I have not received any of the emails regarding the electronic version of the CC or the "reorganization of SASS." I looked at my "member's information" page and the email address they have for me is correct. There is something else going on here...I think their email program is not picking up all of the members as they hoped it would...they ought to look at it and see what is going on.

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Hi Folks,


If SASS has your correct email, you may want to check your Internet Provider's Spam or Grey Mail folder and add SASS to your approved sender list.




Allie Mo

Hi Again,


Don't forget to check your IP or Junk folder.


I've told you everything I know to do.




Allie Mo

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For anyone that did not get the link from SASS HQ and until your email is in their system to receive the monthly link. The member section has the current issue, they even have some older issues from 2007 & 2008 if I remember right.


Here is a direct link to the online version for the current month. http://www.sopdigitaledition.com/thecowboychronicle/


If you want some of the other Chronicles, I have all of them from 2007 through 2014, on my Google Drive and can be found at the link below.




I will keep this link open unless the download volume causes a problem with my google account.

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