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Need a Marlin Value question answered

Charlie T Waite

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Rifle is a Marlin 44 Mag. Manufacture was 1988, approx 10 rounds have been fired through it. Found a partial stamp on the barrel (a line next to an M & partial ly enclosed in a circle) while entering info into inventory program. So I sent a pic of stamp to Marlin and thay said it was a JM stamp that did not imprint properly. Now the value question, Does the JM do anything regarding the value of the rifle?


Any info would be a great help.






Pure Marlin, understood - but does it change the value of it?




Thanks JB, thats what I thought, but wanted to make sure because several people ask me about the mark so it raised the question.




ONLY true marlins so to speak will have the JM stamp on the left side of the barrel. And YES it does make a price difference , they will bring more money than the REMINGTON/MARLIN.




:FlagAm::FlagAm: :FlagAm: :FlagAm::FlagAm::FlagAm:


Are you buying or selling?

if it's yours---Do you want to sell?


Mustang Gregg

[.44 cal outfit]


Don't want to sell. Was just courious after several people commented on it. Thanks everyone for the replies.






this info doesn't pertain to your Marlin because of your manufacturing date.


BUT, it has lately been discovered that some Remington made (or assembled) Marlins have used some of the original Marlin brand barrels and have the 'JM' stamp on it.


Based on information shared on the Marlin owners website, it appears that some recent Remington Marlins have the 'JM' brand on the barrel.


Personally, I can't verify this. But the info shared seem to show that has been the case.





i used that date because the original reciept of purchase the person I got it from was dated Feb 1988. He had fired 1 fully loaded magazine tube and decided it was to much rife for him so he put it in his safe. His health was failing due to age and he sold it to me for extra cash. BTW, I offered more than he ask but he refused saying it was old and had just set in his safe. He still had the box etc. just typed the 1st 2 numbers (26) of the ser into the Marlin Manufacture Dates sight...what a supprise, it is 40 years old and still looks and cycles like new. Think I got a good one here.




I don't know if they are changing anything in the next few months, but when I looked at the Remlins at the shot show last year and again last month they all had the "JM" of the left side of the barrel. The program manager handling the Marlin project said they all have JM on the left side of the barrel but the Remington models have an additional stamp on the right side of the barrel. I forget what the stamp on the right says. Maybe I still have a picture from last year.


This was going to be a back-up SASS rifle, but now I think not. Will have to find something esle now.




I have seen some Malin rifles say "New Haven Conn" on the barrel and others say "North Haven Conn. I think the New Haven ones are earlier. I got a Marlin 336 in 30-30 made in 1970 that says North Haven on it.


Howdy Larsen.


When you visited the SHOT show, was there any mention of future 'Cowboy' Marlins?





I picked up a 2014 Marlin catalog at the Harrisburg, PA show last week. They list a Model 1894 Cowboy in "45 Long Colt", 20" tapered octagon barrel, black walnut stock, ten-shot tubular magazine priced at $1,041. The 1894 in .44 mag./spl. is $729; 1894C in .357/.38 spl. is also $729. Apparently Marlin is now located in Madison, NC.


.... Apparently Marlin is now located in Madison, NC.


Yes they are. Remington offices are there and the Marlin Product Manager happens to shoot at a club just down the road from there. It appears they "get" what's going on nowadays and making efforts to correct it.


I had one in 357 with the same JM stamp that was only visible with a good magnifying glass. It, too, was only half the stamp on one of the letters, don't recall which. Anyhow, a fellow in California wanted one with the stamp real bad. I quoted $850 plus cost of shipping and he didn't bat an eye. Should have said 1100.


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