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A New Western?

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Have seen this in a few theaters. At first I thought it was a joke, but it's real! Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter. Can't wait to see what Lincoln does to John Wilkes Booth.


Click on trailer. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1611224/

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Kewl! :lol: You never know. I went to see Cowboys and Aliens with with some trepidation, and actually found it very entertaining. This looks like it could also be equally entertaining. :)

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I read the book recently. It was entertaining, but not a great classic of western literature by any stretch.


I'm keeping my fingers crossed in the hopes that the movie will be better than the previews have led me to believe. Tim Burton's track record has some pretty mixed results.


-Solo Sam


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I, for one, love odd westerns! Can't wait to see it.


While ur waiting, check out The Burrowers or Ravenous.


"The Burrowers" was very good. I watched "Ravenous" a long time ago... don't remember much about it but I remember liking it.


If you like Weird Westerns try reading the "Merkabah Rider" series. They're very good.


-Solo Sam


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