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Hello Everyone,


I have been trying to find Ballistol for BP cleanup. I have only been able to find it at Midway, but really don't want to make a special order just for that.


Have any of you found it on the shelf at your local stores?


I am in Minnesota 1 HR south of the Twin Cities...


Thanks in advance for any help. Bridog

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Check your local Ace Hardware store (I assume you have some around you).


Or, badger your local gun shop owner to stock it for you. I've got five local gunshops, two of them stock Ballistol. I tend to go to those shops more often, too.


Or, buy direct from Ballistol:



Or, just put in an order to Midway or Amazon. If you are a shooter of any "caliber" :excl: you can always find other things you need from Midway.


Good luck, GJ

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I'm with Garrison Joe on this one.....I just throw a bottle on the pile the next time I get an order from MidwayUSA. Sometimes you can catch it on special too. Which reminds me, I think they've got Hoppe's #9 bottles on sale for $2.96/bottle or some such (don't remember exactly) until the end of the month. That's how I end up with most of this stuff....just catch it on sale and add it to what I already needed. :rolleyes:

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Check your local Ace Hardware store (I assume you have some around you).


Or, badger your local gun shop owner to stock it for you. I've got five local gunshops, two of them stock Ballistol. I tend to go to those shops more often, too.


Or, buy direct from Ballistol:



Or, just put in an order to Midway or Amazon. If you are a shooter of any "caliber" :excl: you can always find other things you need from Midway.


Good luck, GJ

Wow, I never knew Amazon carried it. That's actually rather convent for me.

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Or you could do what I did a bunch of years ago.


Call up Ballistol and ask them where the nearest store is that sells it.


It worked for me.

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Hello All,


Thanks for the replies.


A pard pm'd me the following site track of the wolf. Not sure if my link worked? But it's "trackofthewolf.com"


It's got a lot of black powder items I thought you guys might find interesting.


This place just happens to be 10 miles from the mother in-laws house so I guess it time to visit :)


Thanks - Bridog

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This place just happens to be 10 miles from the mother in-laws house so I guess it time to visit :)



I don't know - is a trip to the mother-in-law worth it? Shipping charges from amazon can't be that bad.

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A pard pm'd me the following site track of the wolf. Not sure if my link worked? But it's "trackofthewolf.com" It's got a lot of black powder items I thought you guys might find interesting.

They sure do. Most of us know the place well. Ted Cash cappers. Knives and raw materials. Black powder. Good service.



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agree with Track of the Wolf ...got them on speeddial and they keep my credit card on file.....they rock..oh that reminds me, where is my phone, gotta call them


Load em hot and heavy

The Ornery One

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I have done the Dawn soap and water clean with a WD40 lube for years but recently got an email from Able's Ammo http://www.ableammo.com/ where I buy a lot of my SASS guns from and a good deal of ammo from as well. They have very good prices and now I've found out they have Ballistol as well for 6 something per aerosol can. Smithy.

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