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Plainsmen or wild bunch

Guest diablo slim shootist

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I prefer plainsman, but I'm probably in the minority. WB is the new exciting category.


I recently attended a match that had a WB sidematch and they allowed people to have three loaded revolvers in place of a 1911. That made the equipment barrier easier to overcome.

Hi Salt Flat,


Although I've not yet shot WB due to the 1911 requirement, I do not like this solution. It seems to miss out on the intent of a WB match, which is to be very different from a SASS match. :blink:




Allie "whose got the rifle and SG and is hoping to shoot WB sometime this decade" :blink: Mo

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I shoot both Frontier Cartridge Duelist and Traditional WB and enjoy both - I like capguns as much as the 1911, I just shift the time machine in my head to accomodate the guns.


Last two big matches I attended they had to cancel Plainsman due to lack of interest only 2-3 people signed up.


As far as Plainsman rifles I shoot an original Trapdoor with 405 gr/70 gr black powder loads. It is an appropriate rifle just not competetive I guess. Pistol caliber single shots just don't seem right for Plainsman.

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This last October at the Bordertown annual match in Tombstone, the Wild Bunch side match was in the morning and the Plainsman side match in the afternoon. Both had 4 stages. I shot both. I enjoyed the WB more because as the day wore on, and I was pretty tired by the middle of the Plainsman match. I really like both, but if I had to pick, it would be WB, one reason is there is an option of shooting two handed. Not so in Plainsman, not complaining, just stating a fact. :FlagAm:


Buckeye Pete :)

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I like the Holy Black in any form.



Plus, I can't get the hang of those "trombone" shotguns.


Ol' #4

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I like shooting both and would hate not to have the chance to shoot both at a match.


We've considered doing the Plainsman event in the evening in order to have time for everything. I always try to find out what Ol#4's schedule is and then schedule the Plainsmen when he's not available - gives me a better chance :)


A two-handed plainsman category - humm - guess I don't have any real problem with that, recognizing there are some cowpokes who like shooting c&b's but just don't have the digital dexteriousity to handle the duelist requirement - no problem making room for them and other two-handed grippers. I love diversity.

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It's just like when I was in my late teens and early twenties. I would go to my local club on clay target day with my buddies and sign up for a few rounds of trap. Go out to the line and with machine like fashion, waste copious amounts of ammunition. At first it was fun, but after a while it started to get on the boring ammo wasting side of things. Then I noticed a field away some older gents leisurely moving their group around and shooting birds coming from not one, but both houses. I asked what game were they shooting. One of the trap guys laughed and said "Oh those ol guys are shooting skeet". I told my buddies "That's what I'm going to shoot". I took an ill equipped gun (Rem. 1000 w/28" mod) over to the field and introduced myself and said that I wanted to shoot some skeet. I was welcomed with open arms. Broke 4 of my first 25. Then I was lent a 10,000 dollar Perrazi for my next round and broke 16. I was hooked for life. Went home and got the hack saw out and took care of the shotgun problem and the next outing I was in the 20's. I joined the NSSA and started shooting registered targets for the next 20 some odd years. Of course my shotgun changed through those years but the sport was FUN and that is why I played it. All this to cast my vote for Plainsman! Reason being is it's just plain FUN! For SASS I shoot Frontier Cartridge (Black Powder all the way) and cap and ball makes for even more fun. I'm a relatively new shooter so I save the cap n ball for special occasions (I go too slow otherwise) thus the Frontier Cartridge, but combined with the single shot rifle it can't be beat. Smithy.

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Do Both!


Last year's TX state match did both and arranged the timing so a participant could shoot in both. I like to shoot both of them and really look forward to each of them when I go to a bigger match. I would not like having to choose between one or the other at the state or regional level.


One of the things they did at the TX state WB match was include an "open" category that allowed other rifles. That increased participation but also limited the competition base to similar equipment. I thought that was a really good idea.


Dusty also allowed pistol caliber rifle shooting for the Plainsman event as is stated in the rules for that event. I don't see why you couldn't have an "open" division for this event too to allow more people to shoot it.

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Guest diablo slim shootist
Don't have the guns for either, so I choose neither.
That was helpful.....come on down anyway Grizz we will find

something for you to shoot>>>>Hey have you ever shot a 45-70 Gatlin gun?

we will have one there -we did in oct. it was a hoot! :lol:

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