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Eyesa Horg

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Everything posted by Eyesa Horg

  1. Couldn't even care a little if they blocked ME. Just couldn't care any less! I'm a different kind of PETA, People Eating Tasty Animals!
  2. They have collections here periodically. Check with your local Police dept. and pharmacy. Don't flush down the toilet!
  3. Prayers are still for you and Schoolmarm Blackwater. Dang you guys have been through some crap. Ellie and I are hoping all works out soon for you two. Eyesa & Ellie
  4. Me either, although I have found shot in pheasants, but never ate it!
  5. Yeh, and there's no crisis at the border either.
  6. Good Morning Blackwater, Prayers up again for a quick recovery. Hope Schoolmarm is improving.
  7. Overall, as a statement, all of them have been pretty good here. Still some stories, but pretty much up to expectations. FedEx guy always brings cookies for Kimber and if we don't come to the door he'll leave 2 on the package for her!
  8. No harm in checking him out, for all our safety!
  9. There'd be a lot less dead people voting as well if they had to show ID. A dead guy would stick out like a sore thumb!
  10. Hadn't heard anything about the type of gun yet.
  11. Ape hangers never appealed to me either! Looks or driving! Did have a hardtail BSA and a Sportster chop for a bit though. Couldn't do either now, somehow I got old and now ride a road sofa!
  12. And who gets to pay for the resurvey?
  13. How bout we chat over a burger with bacon?
  14. Odd thing here, when I got my driver's license renewed, I had to have a copy of my Birth Certificate. They won't accept an original??!!?? Has to be a copy and they don't keep it. Went next door to an office and persuaded an Receptionist to copy it for me! Took the copy back and they were all happy! Made absolutely no logical sense to me!
  15. Have you reported him to the moderator to check out! If not, do so! Click the dots at the top right of his post and click "report". No harm done if he's innocent!
  16. We need to sensationalize the shooter for a few days first, then let them plea bargain a no bail release. Poor Timmy is a good boy!
  17. That was my thought as well since you need flys to get maggots! And who the heck would travel with a rotten fish?!
  18. Prayers back up this morning Blackwater for you and Schoolmarm.
  19. On our 6:00 NBC news, after they repeated what we already knew; they left the banner said "SB shooting" up at the bottom of the screen. Then began showing clips from all the large shootings showing in large red letters, the number dead and injured. So if ya just turned it on you might have seen 62 injured, 28 dead with the Super bowl banner.
  20. On their way Blackwater. Hope all clears up quickly and Shoolmarm feels herself soon.
  21. If crime stopped, they'd lose their agenda for control.
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