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Rooster Ron Wayne

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Everything posted by Rooster Ron Wayne

  1. I have a Codymatic stright stock 1873 in 44 special .
  2. As a consumer of everything 44 I found this to be extremely interesting to myself the Pedersoli jackal 44. A 44 magnum pump rifle . I'm pretty sure it's Not going to be a tomato steak like the Taurus pump rifles was.
  3. I like how they said Smith & Wesson metallic cartridges are to be used with this revolver so they could get the Smith & Wesson name put across the top very sneaky LOL Free Bump
  4. Beautiful Lady ! This would make a nice shooter in someone's collection. Rooster
  5. I have had several Open Top Revolvers worked on by Mike at Goonsgunworks.com He just did a Set of consecutive 44's I bought last year here on the wire that was all wore out and serious need of repair. Of course seller never said a word about how bad guns was . I sent them to Mike and had the Outlaw Mule treatment done to them . Now you can run them full load at full speed for ever and still pass them down to your kids . https://www.goonsgunworks.com/ Tell Mike Rooster sent Yah !
  6. Update . This place got my Son in a room and food . They are giving him shelter till he can get a ID . And we can get him a plain ticket home and get him some mental help . Thank you so much . God bless. Ron
  7. The availability of the Church chose our date lol 1-21-1989 .
  8. Taurus has owed Rossi for over 10 years already. They are just moving the rifle over to the Heritage brand .
  9. Nothing special about them . They are just Rossi built 92's Manufactured by Taurus Who Owns Heritage Firearms. And I believe Heritage is going to become the Cowboy line of their firearm umbrella. Rooster
  10. I own two Wrangler 22's I bought them so my Grandkids was not shooting my Old Three Screw single six revolver's . The Three Screws have climed so much in value these days it was wise to not let them put the wear and tear on them. I feel the Wrangler's are OK at best . And good enough for the Grandkids to play with . They definitely are NOT single six quality or accuracy. I have found the Heritage Rough Rider is a more accurate and better feeling gun but way uglier lol . If you don't really expect Ruger quality and just take the Wrangler as a cheep 22 pistol . It's a OK plinking gun .
  11. Prayers for a speedy recovery.
  12. I bought this same gun New about 15 years ago for around the same price . So this is a pretty good buy by today's pricing . Free Bump !
  13. Unfortunately My Prodigal Son is Stranded in Olympia WA . He was with a women and things did not work out , He is on the street with No Money , Cold & Hungry with No Car or Ride (As of the moment he does have a Phone) Im looking for someone who would be willing to help me get him home . He just needs a spot to worm up and stay for the amount of time it takes to git him a plain ticket home . Rooster ( Luke 15:11-32 The Prodigal Son ) Please PM Me if you can help in any way . Rooster Ron Wayne #86029 God Bless
  14. One of if not the best gun ( characters ) channels on YouTube ! IMHO of corse. But then again Opnions are like @$$#*/#$ and why yes I am one !
  15. Can't tell you how many 1911's You see with that Idiot scratch on thim ! What a shame . Beautiful GI Issue gun .
  16. It's a joke , I'm sure it was a unloaded firearm ! Are you afraid your going to get shot threw the Screen ?
  17. This is a nice old revolver to shoot and have in my S&W collection . I would say for it's age and the fact it's fully functional as designed. The build quality is better then the reputation they have been know for. Rooster
  18. The Brotherhood of The Traveling Remington 1858 By Pietta has been shipped off to the next Pard to review. It has been a honor to be a part of the history of this Brotherhood of the Traveling 1858 . Thank you Pietta. PS. RIP Mr. Pietta
  19. There is a lot of good information here on the rare Smith&Wesson No. 3 revolvers. Few Pards us them in competition. But I think many of us have them in our closet lol . It would be nice to see this information pinned at the top at some point to make it easier to find for the closet Smith&Wesson No.3 fan to find .
  20. The older ones had a side plate with the loading gate protruding further in the frame and the newer guns it don't. If the serial number starts with a H or W it's a newer rifle . From what I can see , It Is a Older Rifle. Rooster
  21. I have one myself. They work very well right out of the box with 2 3/4 shells .
  22. Damnd a few weeks to late . Free Bump
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