I'm gonna switch over to the Discovery Channel and watch the ridiculous "Treasure Quest:Snake Island". Titans are pushing them all over the field! Oy. :angey:
In between the Big Wars, the Army also had a rating system. Farrier, bugler, gunner, etc. About 20+ ratings and insignia as I recall. They discontinued it in. The mid twenties. I think the troops were running out of thread.
Some have asked about the Army uniforms. The commentstors didn't explain it well. They are an homage the the 82nd Airborne in WWII. Their helmets have the various regimental and batallion markings that were worn during D day and the various regimental crests are on the front of the jerseys.
The flag on the sleeve is the type worn on the jump uniforms. The field is to the left. On todays uniforms it's reversed with the field to the right.
I don't see any reason to add that. We all know his history pretty well. I repected him as a brave American fighting man and a pioneer and will lower my flag to half staff in his honor.
Running the SASS Vets website over the years has educated this grunt in the mysteries of Navy ratings. While quite confusing to us unwashed snake eaters, I can see the logic behind the system. It doesn't appear to be broke.
That's why the Puzzle Palace is trying to fix it.