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Bisley Joe

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About Bisley Joe

  • Birthday September 7

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    White Mountains, AZ
  • Interests
    Shooting, Writing, Photography, Film, Illustration...

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  1. Yep. Disgusting. I hope this doesn't break the rules here, but it seems like in this country we, in general, have the guns, but lack the cojones. It sucks because I would consider New Hampshire or Maine otherwise. And also Washington and Oregon. Lots of beautiful places all around-it's the parasites that make it an issue.
  2. New Hampshire is a good state. Seems pro-2A etc. But how in tarnation does anyone travel to other states and avoid having to drive through NY and other rabidly anti-gun states? Seems like a very real danger to wind up in jail in one of those states. Absolutley disgusting this is even an issue, but it is!
  3. I had the same thought, and bought a Casita Spirit Deluxe. It's very well made and everything, but just too small. That's largely because I want to do my art and crafts: leatherwork, etc., reloading... just not doable-for me anyway. But everything has its pros and cons. EDIT Another thing is this, as far as my opinion... With a trailer, like my Casita... The trailer is 17 feet long. Usable space is about 12 feet. The Vehicle is about 15 feet long. That comes out to 32 feet to contend with for maneuvering, parking, etc. while traveling, and out of that, only 12 feet is usable for living: not even half. Honestly, I would rather have a smaller Class C, even 32 feet long, and tow a little Jeep CJ5 or even what I have considered: a Royal Enfield bike. Either just the bike on a bumper mount, or a bike with a sidecar on a small trailer.
  4. Will do. Thanks!
  5. Heck, maybe you can trade it in for a bigger used one and enjoy the prolonged escape.
  6. Yeah true. I was surprised that Arkansas shows as having a considerably higher rate of violent and property crime than most US states.
  7. Sounds like a useful thing indeed! Is that spreadsheet available somewhere?
  8. Maybe a small RV would let you travel and spend a little time in certain places. That could be an OK middleground.
  9. Those are good points. I am considering trading in my tine Casita trailer for a used Class C RV. This would allow me to travel a bit and get the feel of the land. Likely what I will do unless I get a good job offer in a place I like, and even then may be good to start with an RV.
  10. Arkansas is amazingly beautiful. Lots of mountains and water it seems.
  11. That actually sounds awesome. As long as I can work from home, I'd be happy in that right now!!!
  12. It's inexcusable and disgusting. Fleecing people like that. If we were united, this would not be happening. Thank you.
  13. Good points! Thanks! Taxes are a scourge on mankind.
  14. Forty Rod, if I stay in Arizona, the places I would look at would be around Prescott, Flagstaff/Happy Jack, or similar. Depending on how things turn out, I will do my best to visit. Right now I am in a perpetual state of stress and chaos with all the BS. I do thank you for your reaching out and would like very much to visit. One of my issues, that I have realized only recently, is that for the past ten years I have been isolated. I tried to make things work and sacrificed, and only lost ground. I have been wanting to get back into CAS and also Historical Trekking, but lost in a toxic nightmare. I am thinking even of doing some videos, and even writing a short book, on this. Although women are also a victim of this stuff, I focus on the issues men face. We are marginalized and expected to just take it, and we suffer in silence. Too many men take their own lives in the midst of silent despair. I am in a fight right now to just be able to build my life back up, for whatever time I have left. That's the only reason I am not taking you up on that visit tomorrow! But I hope to soon. Thank you.
  15. I agree with that tactic, which is why I may trade my little Casita trailer for a Class C and check out a few areas for a bit. (The Casita is a great little trailer, but I bought it in a panic and my goodness, trying to live in there with two dogs and also do work is an excercise in madness, at least for me!)
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