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Bisley Joe

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About Bisley Joe

  • Birthday September 7

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  • Location
    White Mountains, AZ
  • Interests
    Shooting, Writing, Photography, Film, Illustration...

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  1. HOW-DEEEE! I recently purchased two Cimarron 1851 Richards Mason conversions (38 special/Stainless Steel/7.5" barrels). One of them binds up sometimes when I cock it. I shot the first one and it's fine. The second one I have not yet shot, but upon cocking it, the action is smooth for two or three tries, then it binds up for two or three tries, then back to normal. Sometimes it is smooth for the whole cycle of rotating the cylinder. Sometimes I only feel a little resistance, and other times a lot. Doesn't seem to have a pattern: kind of random. Not sure whether to send it back, or attempt tuning it up myself based on the Larsen E. Pettifogger files. Any input appreciated. Thanks, Bisley Joe
  2. No worries! Thank you for letting me know! I'll make note of that stuff you mentioned. I disappear quite often with all the BS of life. Been living main ly in my Casita Travel Trailer lately. It's a very well built little camper I must say: feels like a sailboat. But it's too small to do much in there. I drive an FJ Cruiser and the back is set up with a drawer setup, so not much room either. Me and two dogs and it gets pretty crowded. Kind of like living in a Rubik's Cube: you have to shuffle several things around every time you need to set up something. I may sell the camper and convert a school-bus: half living area, half workshop.
  3. Yeah, no kidding! I'm at that point, and I'm actively looking elsewhere. However, I have to pay off the Casita, so until I find something else, I have to kind of stay because I need to be able to make payments, and I want to pay it as fast as possible. As soon as that's done, I'm out. Boondocking in the Casita will allow me to do it faster. I just have to be careful with my dogs that they're OK in there.
  4. Hello everybody. I'm looking to get back into making cartridge belts and holsters, and would like to hear your opinion. Do any of you have experience or opinions on cartridge belts that were made pre-curved versus cut straight? I have heard some people say that the ones made with the curve already on them fit better and are more comfortable and then some people say it doesn't make a difference. Obviously, everyone is different and has their preferences on fit, but I'd like to hear your opinion. Another thing is money-cartridge belts versus the regular lined cartridge belts. I've heard some people have issues with money-belts; saying that they rolled up on them, but others say that style works well. I'm just looking into what you may have experienced that works better, or doesn’t, to not reinvent the wheel. Thanks. Here are a few I've made...
  5. Started new year and first thing was training where we were treated like second graders, complete with the speaker having us countdown from 3 to 1 and then clap three times in unison when we resumed after short breaks and "discussions". Also role playing etc. I refused to be a part of that and just watched. Was asked what I thought of the "training" and I said "The usual waste of time, passing of the buck nonsense." I also said I was required to be there, so I was. But I'm not taking part in the clapping and other demeaning nonsense, and no one is gonna make me. First day in class, which was two days before any students arrived, they started trying to gaslight me with me needing to be involved with students, which I always am. This continued for the rest of the week culminating with a meeting with the 200lb 5' tall principal with the 'Il Duce" complex and her new assistant principal. I told them I was being preemptively reprimanded for something that had no precedence and a few other things, then went to district and filed a complaint. I am looking for other venues, including the one mentioned above.
  6. So I am thinking, after the input here, that the Dillon 550C will be great, but once I get a home again or perhaps even set it up in a climate controlled storage unit. For the road, I think a much more compact system will be best: something not so much to load bulk ammo, but to help me if I am far from home base and need to load up for a match. Of course, I could just load up a good 2,000 rounds and have those with me, but it's still nice to be able to reload on th road. I'm gonna look into really simple reloading gear. I have a hand primer, and that's a start at least. I will shoot 45 Colt, 38 Special, and 12 Gauge Shotgun-all black powder. Would also like to reload 45-110 or 45-120, when I can get the damned rifle (and brass).
  7. Bought several guns from them. They delivered fine. My only issue was on the layaway: the moment you put something on layaway, that;s it. Change your mind and they keep your entire deposit. There's also a program called shoot now pay later or something like that. AVOID unless you are definitley gonna pay within their allotted time for avoiding fees. I forgot if it was 30 or 90 days. I payed mine off the last day, totally by chance, and the person told me I would hgave incurred a lot of fees if I had gone longer. It's some kind of lease. Don;t know how that works, but you will wind up paying a good deal more money if you wait.
  8. I realized that late and started to do that: just let the kids do what they wanted. But in my case, in a high school, it did not work. It didn't matter what I tried... most of the kids refused to work and just acted up, broke things, and stole other's artwork. In this current job, I am just going with the flow and it has made it easier, but I am just done with it. Feel like I am wasting my time and life now. I think I will use this year to pay things off and then move on. I may even boondock in the Casita near the school to save rent and save up. PS I taught a 6th grade and it was fun. I even started a model building club and we had competitions. New superintendent tells parents to skip the principal and go straight to him with complaints. Me and others immediately started getting accused of screaming at kids, etc. and we were refused any details. Principal resigned when she found out who the new Superintendent would be. Assistant principal walked out within a few months. I got told in private that I would not be renewed. Just sickening. For the next year I would bump into kids at Walmart, etc. that would come to say hello. One mom told me her daughter rushed into art class that following year, saw the new teacher, and ran out crying. Last year I see a car drive by my house as I was getting the mail and do a hard U turn. Pulls up and it's this young man who thanked me for standing up for him in 5th grade and telling him how to be confident and defend himself. He said it changed his life. That is one of a few similar events that make me not regret it all.
  9. Yeah I agree. I chose the Casita because my only option right now is a travel trailer, and I think it's the best built/value. Ideally I'd have a medium length Super C towing a trailer with my FJC or Land Cruiser on it, and have the trailer set up as a little workshop. I looked into a C and converting the bedroom into my office/workshop, but can't pull the FJC because it can;t be flat towed, and I also hae flat towing: especially doing that to a 1980 HJ45 Land Cruiser! I'm gonna have to keep it simple for now, and reloading outside is actually a great idea, especially if I keep it to the simplest way of doing it. For my leather craft stuff I bought some tool rolls and plastic bins with those compartments to keep things as compact as possible. I could do a similar thing with reloading-as much as it can be done.
  10. Still getting the same message. I would have sent what I posted above.
  11. True. Definitely a need! What is an "MEC"?
  12. Sounds great! I have had people say that my life would be simpler and better without the dogs. Maybe simpler, but surely not better!!! Those two have made me laugh in the darkest times. Every morning in bed the little one (Frodo) rushes at me and shoves his head under my chin and proceeds to whine and rub crazily while the big one (Violet) does all sorts of contortions on her back pushing against me. Then they get into a play fight where the little one sounds like he wants to kill the big one. It's absolute chaos and insanity, and it makes me laugh every time. They are awesome all around!!! IMG_0016.MOV IMG_0016.MOV
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