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Marshal Dan Troop 70448

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Marshal Dan Troop 70448 last won the day on March 7 2018

Marshal Dan Troop 70448 had the most liked content!

About Marshal Dan Troop 70448

  • Birthday 04/10/1944

Previous Fields

  • SASS #
    70448 LIFE
  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Ft. White,

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  • Location
    Florida,and Illinois

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Marshal Dan Troop 70448's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. Read again, didn't say it wasn't fun, said its not the same. Key words "not the same", ay least for me.
  2. I've been in the game since 2005. The rules were simple and was issued each year and carried in ones shirt or back pocket. I looked forward to every match and made reservation months ahead at Motels and reloaded for these matches with special attention. I travelled far and wide and met many great shooters as well as made many new lifelong friends. Along the way, I also seen many shooters and friends who let the "old man in". Somehow either myself or the game has changed and the fun except for the friends I still see and look forward to seeing, its not the same. I have already sold over half my gun collection which I thought I would never do. I have sat down and calculated how many primers, bullets, and powder I have left and when gone have decided to hang it up as well as attending less and less matches. Is it age? Health? or the game has changed and the excitement is no longer there? Has anyone here been through these decisions?
  3. Cassalong, I remember when you first started in the game and your devotion to all you have done in the game and for us the shooters, your partners. It was always a pleasure to posse with you and attend the matches you put on. Going to miss you, but can also understand that there comes a time and I'm getting close to that point also for various reasons besides age. Hope to meet you down the Trail and share some Tall Tales sometimes. Good Luck my Friend.1
  4. OH, forgot. The ridiculous fight scene were someone hit with a crow bar, 2x4, boulder, hardly flinches yet a head to head smash knocks them out, sometimes not. No bullet holes in vehecles except sparks. Sparks even on tires and windows. Just waiting for sparks on actors now. One reason we watch so many older movies and TV Shows. I really can't remember when we last went to see a movie in the theatre. Mow that some charge 12 to 15.00 we do without and spend the money insted on a good restaraunt.
  5. I have no problems with movies, TV shows made 40 years and back. Its the new movies were night scenes are completely black, mumbling and whispering with loud soundtrack music, etc. I just don't watch them. Many don't even make sense and some of the westerns released recently direct, have poor acting, very amateur and minimumbackdrops that suppose to imitate towns, etc.
  6. Update on my order. Last night received update from UPS that it had been delivered. DELIVERED???? Checking their tracking, somehow my order was delivered to someone in Los Angelas, CA.
  7. UPS is losing its reputation super fast. Package mailed August 20 from Miami, Florida to my place in Jacksonville travelled cross country to Vernon, California facility. Then to another facility in Los Angeles, Ca. then back to Vernon which again to Los Angelas were its last reported. That was 8 days ago. Myself, have used UPS for most shipments, no more. Worse then USPS which is really bad.
  8. In the 1876 Centennial Exposition, there were a display of Colt SAs. There were several 16" barreled Colts with detachable stocks. But they were called "Buggy Rifles". Colt would sell any lenght barrel lenght on the SA, but charged for any lenght over 7.5 inches. There was an article in Guns Magazine were author interviewing Josie Earp described Wyatt as favoring an extra long barrel. Then there's the story of a Bartender in Tombstone, Buckskin Frank Leslie who admired Wyatt and would dress like him and ordered a long barreled Colt that was to be identical to one Wyatt had. His order pre-dates OK Corral by several months. So, there is the story by Lake, fiction? probable. Then you have Josie and an admirer who wanted to be like Wyatt stories. According to records, only 40 Colt SA with lenghts greater then 7.5 were produced from 1877 to 1890.
  9. But they can afford cars and fuel to pick up meals. Am I missing something? Had a big segment on the news yesterday and today wanting people to donate cash for this program. Even though this clip is 2 years old, its one of several I found.
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