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Marshal Dan Troop 70448

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Marshal Dan Troop 70448 last won the day on March 7 2018

Marshal Dan Troop 70448 had the most liked content!

About Marshal Dan Troop 70448

  • Birthday 04/10/1944

Previous Fields

  • SASS #
    70448 LIFE
  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Ft. White,

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  • Location
    Florida,and Illinois

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Marshal Dan Troop 70448's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. It seems lately some topics create controversy here. It also seems that individual opinions no longer count if they don't agree with some. The Saloon use to be ,"use to be" a place were we could agree and disagree in a friendly discussion. It was unheard of closing or deleting posts at one time unless really bad. So am cutting ties here and wishing those that remember, the Best. I won't be back.
  2. This is amazing to see and find this. Bradley, Illinois is only 12 miles from my home town and I lived next to WW2 Vet, Ron Dygert when we bought a house there before we bought our Farm.
  3. Lately, many places we use to go for occasional night out, have changed and we won't be going back. No waitresses or waiters, menus are electronic devises on tables and you pay on same, (it maybe just us, but because of previous problems, we only use cash at restaurants). One place, while out of town, didn't even have anyone come around to fill up our coffee cups. Found out later, you had to go to electronic devise and ask for 2nd cup. We did find a couple of Ma and Pa type restaurants that still do it the old fashion way and have our business. We don't do Fast Food after seeing people handling food items without gloves, wiping their hands with same rags they use to clean the counter then picking up food items to wrap with those same hands. Its been over 6 years since our last Fast food stop. While on the road, so far at least, Cracker Barrel is still doing a good old fashion job.
  4. We have short memories and History isn't taught as it should be anymore. Over time all the "Remembers" are lost or forgotten by many. Remember the Alamo, Remember the Maine, Remember Pearl Harbor, and Remember 9-11. Even 9-11 was forgotten by many. Many who are New Yorkers were asked what 9-11 was about and many young people couldn't give correct answers.
  5. As one that lived his early life in East Germany and what it was like. My father and mother along with me and my younger sister escaped during the night, hid during the daylight. It wasn't just the Wall in Berlin. Were we lived farther North the Border was defined with Towers, trip wires, soldiers and dogs set every 500 yards. My father and mother gave up everything so us kids could grow up in freedom. I know what it was like and remember the indoctrinating we were taught in school, and seems that is happening here. We were lucky through the Catholic Church after being refugees in West Germany to get sponsors for United States. I still remember the night were our sponsors picked us up, drove us to the country home. Upon entering the house, they turned on all the lights and when they did, I ran to pull the drapes down, my father, and I can still to this day hear and remember his words, "you don't have to do that son, we're in America" ( of course he said it to me in German). One never appreciates freedom till they have a taste of lost, and then there are those that take advantage of Freedom that will lead to its downfall and loss..
  6. Oh yes, Dodgers and Yankee World Series. But I already know who won so no need for a re-run.
  7. One fighter jet not often mentioned was Grummans F9F Panther. I always thought it was a cool looking plane and built several models of it in my youth.
  8. My 2 were always the M&M Boys. There was also something special for the year 61 which syill brings back many memories. Then came a time when I chanced to meet them both.
  9. Here's what we listened to while having new neighbors over for hot dogs and hamburgers in back yard last Sunday. We have a collection of good movie soundtracks, and a good way to listen and relax with many of them.
  10. Everyone that I got to fly, B17s, B25s, P51. F 4UCorsair (also the toughest to see the runway taking off or landing). The only one I never got to fly and wish I had was the P38 and chance one time to sit and fly in a F86 SabreJet owned by a Doctor who had a rear seat installed for his wife and friends to sit and enjoy the ride.
  11. Had a lot of bikes in my younger years, Me and wife rented a Harley in Germany and toured for almost 2 months. But my favorite bike and one I would tear apart and rebuilt every year, (because I enjoyed getting into it), was my Kawasaki 500. Had it up to 135 MPH one time. Sold it for more then what I paid new 10 years later and was my last bike.
  12. Here's one me and wife watched last night. Kinda different "B" western story also.
  13. Marshal, I hope everything is going well with you and your family.  Got to thinking about you and just wondering how you are doing.


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