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Red Gauntlet , SASS 60619

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Everything posted by Red Gauntlet , SASS 60619

  1. Far and away the best scene: I guess you have to go to youtube to watch it, yet it passed the movie codes of the time! It's the swimming scene with Jane. Just hit that youtube link. While Weismuller was a great Tarzan, the REAL Tarzan is still the one of the books; considerably different.
  2. Because it's not in the first post, perhaps....
  3. Laugh and the world laughs with you; cry and you cry alone. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. What time is it? "Half-past kissin' time, time to kiss again!" I'll be there in two shakes of a lambs tail. I wonder what the poor people are doing tonight.
  4. Always do. For one thing, there are a lot of kids in the neighborhood. Including some of my grandchildren.
  5. I add my voice to those who deplore these aberrant events!
  6. I thought they looked computer-generated. See AS beat me to it..... A matter of taste, anyway. Most look ponderous and near-ridiculous to me.
  7. CZ has several models in the 457. The Lux, which I have, is a really nice rifle. European-style stock, outstanding walnut all around. It's a beauty. CZ 457 Lux - CZ-USA
  8. As others have said, you make a will and any asset, including the book royalties, go to your named heirs. If you don't have a will, it goes to beneficiaries provided by statute; typically close family members in a stated order. I you have absolutely no 'statutory benficiaries', and no will, it will 'escheat'-- go to the state. State laws will govern.
  9. I own a CZ 457 Lux, a beautiful rifle. Very accurate, though I haven't rigorously tested accuracy. I am extremely happy with it.
  10. Good to find out now, rather than later. Hope we're paying close attention where it counts....
  11. Been true of Canada for a long time. You've got to make sure you've scoured every nook and cranny to make sure a shotshell from last season's duck hunt isn't in the spare wheelwell, etc..... It's carried to a ridiculous extreme, but it's their country.
  12. Not only. We gave a fair amount of 'free stuff' to Great Britain in the '40s. And to Europe in the aftermath of the War. Just a couple of examples.....
  13. Luck figures in. I defended two unrelated lawsuits where, in each, a bicyclist hit a claimed road defect, rotated over, hit the top of the head. Both ended up quadraplegic. When we're kids, the body seems more forgiving. Less mass is part of it. We'd fall down the stairs, jump up and run off. Not any more...
  14. In addition to most of the above, we had a big ravine nearby that ran down to Puget Sound. We practically grew up in it; we'd be down there for hours at a time. The big thing we did there was rope swings; when you swung out all the way, you were 75-100 feet above ground. If you fell, you'd die. So you held onto the rope and didn't fall (we did have a loop for a foot.....)
  15. I was in business for many years myself, and played no cons. To me a con man lies and cheats to fraudulently deceive others out of their money.
  16. Same judge is presiding over his case. Same charge as against the armorer. If the jury finds him guilty (hardly a forgone conclusion) I expect she would give him the same sentence. That would be my bet.
  17. It's true: Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for November 09, 2014 - GoComics
  18. True enough. When I'm backpacking and set up camp, I take off the boots but sometimes leave the socks on....
  19. Depends on whether you're still in business or not anymore. In business you put up with a lot of things you wouldn't when you're retired. If I had a major client's exec secretary call, I'd hold.
  20. Apart from the specific facts of the case, this lady seems just completely vacuous somehow. Drugging on the set, oblivious to responsibility, and equally oblivious when she's denouncing the jury and the judge in recorded telephone calls before sentencing. Totally clueless. There just seems to be no there, there....
  21. Grant was 62 when he had his first (and only) child.
  22. Lots of folks keep working long after they no longer need the money, because they like still being creative and productive for as long as they are able.
  23. Haven't shot a cowboy match in a long time, but my OMV Bisley in .45 remains a favorite and I take it to the range often still.
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