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Turkey Legs #48384

Territorial Governors
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    Rockton, Illinois

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Turkey Legs #48384's Achievements



  1. The Rock River Regulators are proud to host the SASS Illinois State Championship and SASS Illinois State Wild Bunch Championship (Reckoning on the Rock) June 6-8 (2025). If you are looking for a new shoot to attend this year look no further and come join us for a weekend of great shooting, with an awesome group of cowboys and cowgirls. A few things to note: Side Matches are held on Friday, with five main match stages shot on both Saturday and Sunday. Free lunch is served each day of shooting. Check out our website for all other important information about this match. We look forward to seeing you out on the range! The Rock River Regulator Crew https://www.rockriverregulators.net/reckoning-on-the-rock
  2. This year the Rock River Regulators are proud to host the SASS Illinois State Championship and the SASS Illinois State Wild Bunch Championship. The crew are already working behind the scenes to make this event one to remember. So don’t forget to mark your calendars and come join us, June 6, 7, & 8 - 2025. Applications and current shoot information can be found on our website: https://www.rockriverregulators.net/reckoning-on-the-rock Holiday Inn Express in Beloit WI has offered a discount to our shooters: https://www.ihg.com/holidayinnexpress/hotels/us/en/find-hotels/select-roomrate?fromRedirect=true&qSrt=sBR&qIta=99801505&icdv=99801505&qDest=Holiday Inn Express %26 Suites Beloit&qErm=false&qSlH=jvles&qRms=1&qAdlt=1&qChld=0&qCiD=05&qCiMy=052025&qCoD=08&qCoMy=052025&qGrpCd=RRR&qAAR=6CBARC&qRtP=6CBARC&setPMCookies=true&qSHBrC=EX&qpMbw=0&qpMn=0&srb_u=1&qChAge=&qRmFltr= We can’t wait and hope to see you in June! The Crew
  3. The 2025 Illinois State Championship will be at the Rock River Regulators Range this year June 6-8, 2025. We will have an AM and PM 4 Stage Warmup Match and a 4 Stage Wild Bunch Match held on June 6. Also on June 6 we will have various Side Matches and a Swap Meet. We shoot 10 exciting Main Match Stages - 5 on June 7 and 5 on Jun 8. Each day of the match (including Side Match Day) we serve a free lunch for all in attendance. Don't forget to mark this on your calendar and come join us for a great weekend of Cowboy Action Shooting!!! Reckoning Application and Waiver.pdf
  4. Dry Fire will take the SKB just need to know where to send the funds etc.


    Thanks TL

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Yeldog 4078
    3. Yeldog 4078

      Yeldog 4078

      FedEx tracking with insurance. Thanks again

      7729 3390 3774 

    4. Turkey Legs #48384

      Turkey Legs #48384

      Thank you for going the extra steps - I always forget how stringent Illinois is. So wishing we could make a move to somewhere else. 

  5. Fireball - Dry Fire has one he would sell you for $650. If interested give him a call at 815-721-2282. 


  6. I will take:

    Brass 38 - 10,000 

    45 ACP - 2000 

    9mm - 2000 


    Let me know how much and husband want's to know if you can put it all in one package.

  7. John - I will take the scope - let me know what type of payment you would like and we can go from there.



  8. I will take the pistols.  We are coming to WR and can do a face to face there. We will actually be in Phoenix February 12th.



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Flying W Ramrod

      Flying W Ramrod

      Howdy Pard

      Let me know when you want to pick up those revolvers.


    3. Turkey Legs #48384

      Turkey Legs #48384

      Thanks will give you a call when we get in and get settled .... can't wait for WR .... love this shoot.



    4. Turkey Legs #48384

      Turkey Legs #48384


      Just gave you a call - we can meet tomorrow if you would like - John and I are going to Cowtown around 10 to do a little practicing if you want to meet there or at Ben Avery - just let me know.



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