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Heck Know 32821

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About Heck Know 32821

  • Birthday 04/28/1951

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    cajon cowboys

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    robert edmiston
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  • Gender
  • Location
    Pinon Hills Calif
  • Interests
    Shooting, fishing, playing with my new grandson
    Must be kept in cool dry place

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  1. Dear Tequila

    Your box will go out tomorrow A.M.

    Thank You


    1. Tequila Shooter

      Tequila Shooter

      Thanks Heck, sorry the check was a little late getting to you.

    2. Heck Know 32821

      Heck Know 32821

      All is good 

      Should get your box Saturday or Tuesday

      Thank you


  2. Dear Buckshot I will send you what I have is not much .

    You can do something for someone as payment.


  3. Dear Colesville

    The gentleman only wanted 100   30-06

    There is a mountain of brass in the middle of my garage floor. 'My friend taught a class for guards

    and they were not aloud to pick up there brass. That is how he came into so much ( 25 years worth )

    Thank You


  4. I will take:

    Brass 38 - 10,000 

    45 ACP - 2000 

    9mm - 2000 


    Let me know how much and husband want's to know if you can put it all in one package.

  5. Dear Colesville

    The gentleman only wanted 100   30-06

    There is a mountain of brass in the middle of my garage floor. 'My friend taught a class for guards

    and they were not aloud to pick up there brass. That is how he came into so much ( 25 years worth )

    Thank You


    1. Colesville Bob, SASS # 27700

      Colesville Bob, SASS # 27700

      I will take the rest. Thank you.

    2. Colesville Bob, SASS # 27700

      Colesville Bob, SASS # 27700


              I will take:

            30-06 brass- 400    

            38 special brass - 1000

            45 acp      -  1000

             9mm       -  1000

             300 Weatherby Magnum -  91    $5.00


      Looks like the total is $115 + shipping. Check or money order?

       Thank you, Colesville Bob


       Robert A. Inman, r.

       2205 State RT 7

       Harpursville, NY 13787

    3. Colesville Bob, SASS # 27700

      Colesville Bob, SASS # 27700


            Please let me know the status of my request.

         Thank you, Colesville Bob

  6. Sir

    What color of 38's  Brass or Nickle

    Thank You


  7. Dear Old Man Graybeard

    Thank you

    How many 30-06 would you like?


    1. Old Man Graybeard

      Old Man Graybeard

      I will take all 500 of the 3006 at a nickel apiece 

  8. Please send to

    Robert Edmiston

    PO 293599

    Phelan Calif 92329

    1. SouthwestShooter


      did you ever get the shipping cost on number 3.

      Leaving for Nevada State match tomorrow n wanna send then gold b4 I leave if I can.


  9. The number is  698171236

    1. Heck Know 32821

      Heck Know 32821


      How much do you need for the hulls and wads, shipped,


      Robert Edmiston

      PO 293599

      Phelan, Calif 92329

  10. I listed them on Gunbroker today ,if you want them let me know and I will pull them

  11. Please see new post for information  on the 97s.

    Thank you


    1. south paw mcdraw

      south paw mcdraw

      Thanks heck, my favorite firearm was always the pump action shotguns. But , I really need to find the right lever action to complete my cowboy action arsenal. New to sass , jut shot a really slicked out 73. This past match. Wow. Super smooth.im currently shooting a borrowed Rossi.  Slicked out also. Not bad , but 73 blows away. Can't seem to save fast enough to purchase one. Sell to fast

  12. Sir, I don't have a lot of money currently but I can scrape together $900 if you need the cash. I'm not a low baller just short of funds. No insult intended. Just trying to help.......Regards

    1. Heck Know 32821

      Heck Know 32821

      Sir I of all earth people can understand being short of funds. I just can not let it go for that price, What if I was to pay for shipping would this help . You would not be sorry to be the owner of this fine shooting iron, you would be envied by all your posse  members . What could be better than that.


    2. Rootin Tootin

      Rootin Tootin

      Understood. Can't do that currently but if things change I'll get back to you.. Sorry

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