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Forty Rod SASS 3935

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Everything posted by Forty Rod SASS 3935

  1. Who ever wrote this can't spell, either. Probably can't spell either, either.
  2. All the time I lived in that area I never knew of a Hemet air museum. I knew about Planes of Fame and Yanks, both about eight miles south of my driveway, but no Hemet.
  3. Yeah, 'tis. I don't know if I could last that long. Good luck.
  4. I'd like to point out that if there were no men there would be no society, regardless of what the radical women's right screwballs would have you believe.
  5. Well whoopity doo. I hope noone shoots down one of my packages. Of course most of mine come from a local Amazon hub just a few miles east of here so I don't see them using drones when they have Prime trucks all over the valley now.
  6. Found Space 1999 in my library's net work and should have it in two ot three days. Now I'll search for the Thunderbirds series....just out of curiousity Thanks
  7. Don't you just hate learning new things? I learn something new almost every day whether I want to or not, and my memory is over flowing and running out of my ears.
  8. A few actors you will recognize, 90 minutes of unmitigated BS, lots of historical inaccuracies and misconceptions, more shots fired than on D-Day,....but one mighty fun non-stop action movie anyway. I'l watch it again...maybe...someday.
  9. An electric gate come to mind. Just me in and out. Everyone else can park on the street. First responders are an exception.
  10. There was another series starring Martin Landau. Home based on the moon, IIRC. I only saw a couple of episodes if that one, too.
  11. I have lucked out on nurses almost everywhere I've been. My Amber Team at the local VA facility rates at the top of the list...and the admin lady who holds the whole team together is right up there with rest. They just can't be beat. If I were half my age and single.........but I'm not.
  12. Penn E. Dreadful Penny Candy Will Regrettit
  13. Dang, that's a great portrait of you!
  14. It can happen to anyone. It happened to me once long ago.
  15. Didn't Mark Twain say something like that, too? As for me, I died once but I got over it.
  16. Got him. Thanks to you both...and him, too.
  17. Now you have me itching to try it with Russian dressing.
  18. I know how you feel and am envious. Congratulations.
  19. When I'm in doubt I call my daughter-in-law. She copied all of my recipes down and has a few hundred of her own and other people's, as well.
  20. I can relate to that. Every time my wife told me she loved me I was somewhat startled because I never understood why she did. I'd say Ernie and I both hit the best lottery in the world.
  21. And he doesn't have access to the internet? He doesn't have a staff...even one person...to help out? Stop making excuses. He's incompetent, uncaring, lacking common sense, or has a useless staff...or any combination of these.
  22. Yeah, but a lot of us will form our own society...and thrive.
  23. You just changed my thoughts on our way south southerners. Thanks for letting me know.
  24. yeah, that and a hinged floor that dropped under the horse.
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