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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/05/2017 in all areas

  1. Sitting here pondering the meaning of life & it occurred to me that over the passed 13 years I have been enjoying SASS shooting I have met & learned the aliases about 300-400 or so shooters, maybe more. More than in any other sport, organization, club, school, job or group I have been in in the last 74 years. That's just phenomenal to me - I'm not very much of a social person but I keep meeting shooters that are interested in what I do, what I shoot, where I've been, how long have I shot & a million other subjects. As the saying goes - " I've been to two Worlds Fairs & Disneyland and have never seen anything like it " . What a great group of people ( including Rye Miles , I might add ) :) :)
    2 points
  2. RCBS Rock Chucker is still Iron! been loading on mine for over 40 years and RCBS is a great company to deal with. Von Dutch
    2 points
  3. Thanks for the timely replies!
    1 point
  4. My pard Pinto Kid made a big stink about this sweep so I named it after him!! 4 targets.......... 2-1-1-2 back to the start and single tap targets 1-2-3-4 or 4-3-2-1 You can start on either end The infamous PINTO KID SWEEP!!!
    1 point
  5. I know exactly what you mean, Yusta. Most of the people I consider true friends I would not recognize in "civilian" clothes or without a cowboy hat
    1 point
  6. I like it! I may have to use that one
    1 point
  7. Eureka!! talk about coincidence!!! the trigger bolt spring apparently gave up the ghost when I put the new hammers in,,, the bolt was real mushy and then wasn't working at all...I didn't touch it when I did the install, but noticed it was weak and bent it to give more tension,,, a wire spring,,, that's when it gave up completely,, fortunately I had two new flat ones and now they both seem to be 'healed"!! Thank you Larsen for giving the heads up where to look!!! the Peitta,,, two slight swipes and it is much better, it may need a third to be near perfect,,, but after shooting today and messing with these for at least two hours I'll leave the Peittas for another day to perfect them,,, think I'll take them tomorrow too tho,,,run some rounds thru them thanks Larsen and OLG!!
    1 point
  8. YOU, or the aircraft? OLG
    1 point
  9. It looks like a very nice press but for half the money there is the Lee Classic Turret, 4 station, auto incrementing cast iron press. JMHO
    1 point
  10. Fire five, open gate, turn to hole, insert round, do a Clint Eastwood spin, and sliphammer like crazy.
    1 point
  11. Lyman Spartan single stage 1963. $225.00?! Sorry, I'll use my Lee Turret.
    1 point
  12. http://www.cabelas.com/product/Lee-Load-All-Reloader/741150.uts?searchPath=%2Fbrowse.cmd%3FcategoryId%3D734095080%26CQ_search%3Dlee%2Bload%2Ball%26CQ_st%3Db This is just what came up when I typed it into the browser.Obviously they are available for less. Point being made was that for the occasional 20 ga BP shooter they could get setup to produced a few boxes without spending much money and avoid the task of trying to find a place that sells 20 ga BP shells. It would certainly not be my first choice for shell loading, but if I only wanted a few boxes a year, and didn't already have a shell loader, I would consider one just for those few occasions. Snakebite
    1 point
  13. Lyman's T-Mag is also a cast iron press, and a fine turret press also. Far more desirable than the new MEC single stage press. Just as portable, and actually allows for setting up two calibers, fully adjusted. As already stated, it's about 30 to 40 years too late in the game. RBK
    1 point
  14. That works about 1/2 of the time. Often more modification is nessicary.
    1 point
  15. Was walking along a lake with the 1st wife one day, and a buxum brunette walked by wearing a tiny slingshot bathing suit. Of course the wife caught me with my tounge hanging out, and asked "How come you never look at ME like that?" I told her the truth..........."Cuz......... you never look look like that" I haven't seen her in 30 years, go figure.................................. Knarley
    1 point
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