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Parking at EoT

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I had the privilege of serving as a Waddie for EoT 2006. My job was to work the lower Shooters' parking lot, working each day beginning between 0530-0600, and ending mid-afternoon or early evening. Long hours, sore feet, but a great time.


99 % of the folks I met were great people, and many of them thanked our crew for our hard work. However, there was a fraction of a percentage who were absolute jerks, and I wonder why they even belong to SASS. Based on my experience, let me share the following comments:


1. It is very hard to accomodate hundreds and hundreds of cars and trucks in an irregular shaped field dotted with small trees and shrubs. In order to fit the maximum number of vehicles we had to instruct drivers exactly where to park. Some, especially those driving big trucks, weren't too happy with their choices, but it was necessary to put them on the end of "truck row" in order to facilitate traffic flow. Also, with the fire danger as high as it was, we could only park vehicles where the grass had been cut in order to avoid a hot catalytic converter from burning down the ranch. In addition to fitting the maximum number of vehicles, we also had to make sure that everyone could exit without problems.


2. If you are truly a VIP, then you will have VIP identification. If you had a standard Red parking pass, you were treated just like everyone else. If the Judge is that good of a friend, he would have made sure that you had the proper credentials. While I would recommend that entertainers get their own lot in the future, that wasn't the case in 2006. Your parking pass gave you the same privileges as everyone else.


3. Just because you did something yesterday, don't expect it to be the same today. For example, we discovered that we needed to reserve many more handicap parking spaces (for the truly handicapped), since we ran out each day that I worked. Also, we learned a little bit more each day on how to make things work. On Saturday, Chiz decided to ban all vendor vehicle access at our end of the line due to the muddy mess down there. Threatening that the shooter's won't get their prizes if you can't violate the rule is petty and certainly not the "Cowboy way" (You know who you are.)


4. Don't expect to park in a handicap spot without the proper handicap plate or placard. You wouldn't be able to park in a handicap spot at the grocery store without them, and the same rules apply at EoT.


5. No, we can't let you unload your gun cart at the gate and then park. Why? Because the second that you do it, everyone else will want to do the same, and nobody would ever get parked. No, you can't unload "over there" because you would then impede the people movers.


I want to say thank you to Night Hunter, Captain Cooper, Redlight Eric, Captain Callaghan, Lord Snowden, and Kid Botts for the privilege of working with them, and hope we can do it again next year.


Last, let me say that the jerk who blasted out of the parking lot at 20 MPH, almost hitting me because you didn't like where I told you to park, came within a hair's breadth of having a chat with a Torrance County Sheriff's Deputy. Next time someone pulls that, I will file assault charges. As it is, you should be banned from the Ranch for that type of behavior. I later learned from other members of your posse that you were already a horse's a**, so I guess that is just par for you. Lighten up, life is too short.

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Well said Rev.I hope to go out there next year sounds like a whole lot of fun.If people only knew what it takes to run big event like that,I have never been there but I have volunteered for such big events over the years.Thanks to all of you for the hard work that all of you do sorry about 1% jerks.I have never met one of these jerks but heard 'em. Thanks to all the workers at the EOT, Hershey Barr

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Rev: The whole SASS World needs to know what a great job you and the rest of the Parking Nazis did throughout EoT!!! From the time a shooter drove in the front gate until he was comfortably parked, nothing but smiling faces and good will from all of you...and you did it all so smoothly. YOUR smiling face brightened our day (even when we had the Dawn Patrol schedule day. Here's a great big Pat on the Back to you all!!! To anyone who gave you a hard time, I'm sticking pins in my "Where did you lose your brains before you came here?" Voodoo doll. Hope they hurt!!!

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To all the Parking Waddies Sundown and I would like to say THANK YOU......


What a great bunch; you helped us get our day started right!


Thanks so much for all your hard work and the dust you had to eat.....


We've been doing this for years and yes there are a few rotten apples in every barrel, but 99% of us aren't, and really appreciate the wonderful job you did....



Baby Jane Doe

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Best End of Trail ever!!! I never picked off the gas. They knew what they were doing and they did a great job. So for all you guys that worked this year PLEASE keep comming back you sure made things alot better this year. To all the Waddies Thanks for a smooth year!!!

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From the singing cowgirls.... The Huginkiss sisters and the Revengers of Montezuma.... You were great!! And thanks for checking the road conditions for us before we went back to mounted camp after the Rainstorm.! We would have hated to be stuck in the mud somewhere!

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To all the volunteers at EOT….THANK YOU!!!!!!


Without all of you, we would not be able to go and play. They deserve all of our respect and gratitude. It’s a shame that someone would treat the volunteers in that manner. Hopefully, those jerks will go find something else to do. They sure don’t belong in this game.


Again….THANK YOU!!!!

Long Hunter

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I found all the "Parking Nazis" to be really great this year.

Their attitude helped me start my day with a positive attitude.


I appreciate their work and their help ... they were very accomodating with a couple small problems I had.


Of course, my thanks goes out to all the volanteers. I appreciate what they do to help us have a good time.

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I usually keep my big mouth shut, well OK maybe I have a few observations from time to time... BUT I WAS THERE>>> when Mr. Attitude pulled up and parked in the "truck row". When he first got out swearing a blue streak the fellow next to my rig asked him to be respectful of the kids who were out packing their gun carts. He apologized to the kids and then went off again. We then ALL politely asked his forebearance and he got ahold of his mouth. I guess we've all experienced days with starts we'd rather forget. When we returned we were told he had finally thrown his gear back in his truck and hauled A** outta there. "Good Riddance" we agreed. I say just let it stand as a bad example for everyone.


That said, I would like to personally thank each and every one of the parking lot crew from the top of the hill to the bottom of the lot. I have never, ever, in 30 years of shooting AT something for a score EVER met such a friendly bunch with a better attitude. Heck, Sweet Pea (Patty) and I agreed over and over that one of the best parts of the day was seeing each of you and saying good morning and good night. She especially liked the one guy who told her she was the best lookin' gal at the shoot and made me put both guns back in their holsters :D:blink:


Thank you all for starting and ending my day on such a fine note.


Now about the "VALET PARKING" fee I paid....jes kiddin'!

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Guest sawyer#34250

Everybody else has stated positive comments, so let me just say 'THANKS PARDS" to all the Waddies!!!!!!!

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Rev, it was good to meet you and I will say you all deserve a big thank you from the shooters you did well. No dents in my truck that wasn't there when I got there. I tried to work with teh parking people as I have a H?C placard because of my back and the big long truck I drive trying to park where it would be best for you and me. I may not look like I needed the HC spot but by the time I returned to my truck it was needed since my pain comes from standing and walking.

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Well Reverend, it was good working with you and the crew. Guess we got it done without any major trainwrecks. As for the jerks, there's a few bad apples in every barrel, fortunately we have VERY few. Most folks were great. See ya next year.


Whooper Crane, you got one of them Voodoo dolls that looks like Elvis? If ya do give him a jab in the hip pockets for those of us what got cussed out. I bet The King is right embarassed. Not that I'd mention any names, mind you. :blink:


Your Parking Nazi pard,


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Every time I entered or left the ranch, I got smiles and waves from the waddies directing traffic. Heck, my wife kept saying, "Now, that's what cowboys ought to look like!" They were some of the most authentic looking people there. Hats off to you all and thanks. :blink: Baddog N.

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We had a great experience with the parking crew this year - thank you for directing the mounted shooters to camp and keeping the roads clear and safe for all of us. Hats off to you all for a great job!!

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Guest Flint Westwood SASS #94

Rev. Read,


As one of the "many it appears" that you help'd when ya didn't have to do anything more that just pass me down the isle to the likes of Cpt Callahan :D I want to again say thanx for goin' outta your way to help.


Iffin' any of them disgruntled folks want a little cheese with there whine just let me know and I'll contact Doc Bonecutter.....that old sawbones comes from Wisconsin and knows his cheese :blink:


Thanx again amigo,


Flint Westwood

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As a first time shooter at EOT i was very impressed with the parking and the way it was all controlled. A BIG thankyou to all the Waddies who did a wonderful job.


Hope the guys at the top gate enjoyed their Tim Tams and badges we gave them from Ms Ruby and Ms Clancy. Thankyou again

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Guest Miss Ruby Redsmoke, SASS #48421

I agree with all the other posts too, a fantastic job done by all the hard working waddies.


Clancy - I hope they got to sample that special 'down under' sipping whisky we left at the waddie shack too! :blink:

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Yea fantastic job done by all the waddies. The parking waddies were great and every time we came down to the gate with our Aussie flag flying from the aerial we got a 'G'day mate' They're learning fast and we always somehow got a spot close by the entrance!!! I wonder why??

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  • 3 weeks later...
Yea fantastic job done by all the waddies. The parking waddies were great and every time we came down to the gate with our Aussie flag flying from the aerial we got a 'G'day mate' They're learning fast and we always somehow got a spot close by the entrance!!! I wonder why??



If I remember correctly, you always got a place near the gate due to the fact that you were real early one or two days before we filled up, and real late on a couple of days after the lot had cleared out some.


Glad that we helped to make your trip to this side of the equator that more enjoyable.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just gotta add in my .02.


Last year I ran into a couple parking nazis that had already met a Mr. Butthead that had put them in a bad mood. They in turn, put me in a bad mood and detracted from my overall enjoyment of EOT.


But, this year, I can not give a high enough praise for the parking nazis. Ya, I know they ran into buttheads this year too, but they somehow managed to hold it together. The parking nazis and their great attitude helped me start each day off on a positive and friendly note. :huh: Starting your day off right is very important to being able to control the mental game and do well in the competition. All that I met were very helpfull and accommodating and went a long way toward making EOT a great time.


To each "parking nazi," I wish to say "THANKS" for helping me start each day in a good mood and do well in the competition. You guys really helped.

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