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People confuse me


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Another board. A guy starts a thread. Has anybody bought one of those Beretta 84 police trade-ins on that big gun and parts site in South Carolina?


So I did a search on a gun site in South Carolina, and I come up with classic arms. And they had those Beretta 84s, but they're sold out.


Then just a little bit ago I get a email from palmetto, and my brain clicked. Palmetto - that's the state tree of South Carolina isn't it? And I go to their website, and hey, how about that. They've got the Berettas.


And I just wonder how difficult it would have been for the guy's question to have been - has anyone bought one of those Beretta 84s from palmetto?


People are weird.

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I never know if they’re being cryptic, elusive, manipulative or stupid. When I see a post like that I just move on. 

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maybe he just wanted to discus what you got to compare with what he git ? it doesnt sound like a sales pitch to me but i guess one might read it that way 

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I didn't think it was a sales pitch.


But let's go back in time 30 or 40 years, to whenever it was they brought it out.


"Hey, has anyone tried that new barbecued rib sandwich that a certain hamburger restaurant is selling?"


Wouldn't it make more sense to say, "Hey, has anyone tried that new barbecued rib sandwich that McDonald's came out with?"

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4 minutes ago, Alpo said:

I didn't think it was a sales pitch.


But let's go back in time 30 or 40 years, to whenever it was they brought it out.


"Hey, has anyone tried that new barbecued rib sandwich that a certain hamburger restaurant is selling?"


Wouldn't it make more sense to say, "Hey, has anyone tried that new barbecued rib sandwich that McDonald's came out with?"

There wasn't a limited supply of McRib back then. 

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