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Info on 357 cast mold


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I’m looking for info on what brand and where to get a bullet mold… I want 

to cast 357

6+ cavity mold

105 grain bullet

using wheel weight and range lead


I have been using a MP mold for my 9mm but can’t find this mold in there inventory

the only one I can find is a Lee mold and don’t know it a good choice


any info will be appreciated 


thanks Scott


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The Lee mold works great in revolvers, but I don't think that it will work well in a rifle. I've used in my 38 revolvers for years. 

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This one is hard to beat for revolvers.  It casts great bullets, they drop from the mold with ease and takes powder coat well too.

Never tried it in a rifle though.  I have shot it in 1911 both 9mm and 38 super with good results.




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In some states, lead weights have been prohibited within the last few years.  There are lots of zinc, lots of lead and some steel wheel weights right now.   Just depends upon where you are.


good luck, GJ

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I've been using and been picking up used wheel weights for almost 20 years to make bullets. Lately it is challenging, as where I live in Florida free ones are rare. A bucket full probably has less than 1/4 lead ones. You have to sort out the steel and zinc ones. Mostly steel. But, they'll work great when cleaned up. Like Cholla said, the Lee bullet is a great one! The one that I use. 

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23 hours ago, Preacherman said:

The Lee mold works great in revolvers, but I don't think that it will work well in a rifle. I've used in my 38 revolvers for years. 

Which Lee mold?

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I run the Lee 125 RNFP because I do not want rifle and pistol loads and believe most shooters will not notice the extra 15 grains bullet weight in their revolvers when the buzzer goes off.  Runs great in my guns but I do crimp between the crimp groove and the lube groove for extra length. JMHO         GW

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I used to use the 125RNF in my toggle link rifles and I found that it was a tad too short for my liking if you use the bullet's crimp groove. I LOVE Lee molds!! but not that bullet design. Just an opinion. Oh, with a 125 or 105g you will feel the same amount of recoil with the same power factor. Chronograph all of your loads so that you really know what you got. Make adjustments accordingly.



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