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Here We I Go Again - (wish me luck)

Charlie T Waite

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I didn't get as much done this last trip to the ranch - mostly cleanup from the storm after I unloaded the trailer; and installing some additional security cameras. I didn't have as much time as I had to return to ND for VA & post op appts. While at the post-op I was sent for an MRI of the left shoulder after I received my injection in it. The results are in: They found a large full-thickness tear and retraction of the supraspinatus with some undersurface partial thickness tearing of the infraspinatus as well as involvement along the anterior infraspinatus fibers and prominent intrasubstance tearing along the posterior deltoid. What does this all mean? Well a reverse total shoulder arthroplasty of the left shoulder this time. So I go back Oct 6th to schedule the 9th surgery in 2 3/4 years...I'll definitely be worth more in spare parts - (a big sarcastic) Woo Hoo.  Maybe after this one I can get back to shooting SASS on a monthly basis instead of sporadically shooting.  Keep me in you thoughts & wish me luck.



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Ain't smart enuf' to understand all them big words.  But, here's a swing of whiskey at the homestead waitin' fer ya' when yer done recovering from what ails ya'. :D


Course, if'n yer gonna need a little more time....I can always refill the glass. ^_^ 


Get better real soon.

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Prayers up for a successful surgery. They just cut my supraspinatus off and now my arm can only be raised about 40 degrees! Told me my deltoids would relearn to move my arm. Apparently mine took the short bus. Hope all goes well with the reverse shoulder.

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I have had a spinal fusion, two hip replacements, a right shoulder replacement, and just got a full knee replaced, and a pacemaker in the last 5 months.  While there are new parts; they are still surrounded by junk.  Time for a new category. LOL, But I can't wait to start practicing. No new categories, please!

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Wish you luck CW!!!

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