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Problem with "Stuttering"

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Well I tried your suggestions Rip and I couldn't make it work. Problem seems to be they took down my avatar & replaced it with a "stutter" the last time they upgraded the software here. It doesn't look like I am the only one with the problem.


Any other suggestions would be appreciated.


The Stuttering Buc-k Buck hrrrr Buckhorn

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Go to the FAQ thread, it was just explained. Basically just click on it in your profile and follow your nose.

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Well I fix my "stutter"!  Simply I went to my name in the upper right corner of this page and clicked on it. Then when that came up I clicked on the lower left corner were your avatar is supposed to be. Since it didn't show my old avatar and showed a "stutter" I clicked on the button that said remove avatar. And just like that I didn't stutter no more and I have the nice letter "M" as my avatar.  Now that wasn't so hard was it! :)


Even a blind squirrel finds a nut sometimes, thanks for the help, just plain

Marlin Buckhorn

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27 minutes ago, Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L said:

can you upload another picture?  sometimes that works--much like turning the computer off then back on again

When I fixed mine back when this issue occurred, as soon as I clicked to download a picture it went straight to the one I had. Didn't even have to resize it. Lucked out I think.

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im probably late to this party , but your alias looks fine on my end , you can fix the avitar - i did mine- and if i can anyone can , just have to fiddle with the resize if you want it exact - mines not , but its OK , 


im looking to add a shoot in july in the NE iowa area - i have family to visit and a month thats short a shoot , post a link to what you might recommend , ill be brining friends i think ,  

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9 hours ago, watab kid said:

... ill be brining friends i think ,  

hmmm, does that mean:

you think you will be bringing friends, or

you think the people you bring are friends, or

you will be salting the people you bring?


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Wataba Kid


Not much help on shoots, I haven't shot in the last 4 years because of a battle with cancer. There is a good shoot near Onalaska, WI. Western Wisconsin Wild Bunch puts it on. Also a shoot down near Waterloo/Cedar Falls that has good people. This shoot is put on by the Turkeyfoot Cowboys.


Have fun out there and be safe,


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On 4/2/2023 at 9:26 AM, Abilene, SASS # 27489 said:

hmmm, does that mean:

you think you will be bringing friends, or

you think the people you bring are friends, or

you will be salting the people you bring?


im thinking the friends i bring will come with me - but then there is that question of whether they are really friend or just pretending to be my friend ....im not sure id be someone that they would pretend to be friends with tho - im not all that likeable to some i suppose - then there is that question of what they might get out of it by being around me - but so far they seem to like my company so far .....


actually i have a few really good friends that enjoy the SASS stuff with me and id like to think they would enjoy the company enough to travel with me - hey , they might make some new friends that might entice them to join me in my travels , anyway im going to do it they can come with or not - been doing solo trips a lot lately it dont bother me at all , 


my wife is not a cowboy participant and im thinking thats not in the cards in this lifetime but i keep trying - so i bring friends that are when possible 

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