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What toys at the Shot Show?

Nimble Fingers SASS# 25439

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I'm kinda interested in those Kimber revolvers. I carry a Ruger GP 101 about 80% of the time. I do kinda prefer a hammer, as I like to rest my thumb against it when holstering. I know it can't shoot ifn that hammer don't come back! But, I still like the looks of the Kimber revolver. I just don't care for the looks of those RUGER LCPs. I'm hoping to see a Kimber live and in person at a store or gunshow soon! The $900 price tag might put me off some though.

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Hey that's pretty cool. I wonder if my local freedom munitions will have it. I remember when they first opened up they had a sign saying something to effect of; if you don't see what you want, ask. I asked and asked and requested they load cowboy ammo and I was finally told no, it was never going to happen. Later I found some ammo on the website that I wanted and went there and was told just because the website had it didn't mean they could get it. So I hadn't been back since then. I might drop by and see if they're carrying leadville.



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If you held the kimber, please answer a question. To a few of us, the cylinder looked like it was hexagonal and we speculated that it allowed the gun to be flatter when being carried. Was this speculation correct?

Going by the photo, the flats are small and don't go all the way back on the cylinder. The back is still full diameter.

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