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Ticker playing the Pink Panther theme, Cardioversion Tuesday...


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Finally figured out what my heart was doing... no thanks to my first Heart Doc. Been having an irregular heart beat for three-months straight...

Being a medical pro-fesh-yunll I hooked meself up to a ticker-taker and watched the squiggly lines and runned out a strip. Aha! I says to me-self. Self I said, you in persistent A-Fib.

So I hie me-self down to my local internal medicine type-guy, an' he says, what-hoa! thee seems to be in A-Fib (duh!) Lets us do some more tests!

Time comes to take a Stress Test where they pump you full or radioactive tracer to see whut yer Ticker's arteries are doing, (and to help me glow in the dark), and the heart is dancing to it's own tune, in 2/4 time, it's playing a beat of 140-150 a minute. So me Doc says, no treadmill for you... we'll pump a few more chemicals into you that raises yer heartbeat while you just sit there. Git's up to 160 beats a minute, much too fast fer my usual waltz.

So my internal-parts doc sez, ok, lets just keep yer ticker-boppin' slow and put you on a blood-thinner for the rest o' yer natural life and we be good. Huh?? I sez!

Then Kardyolo-jist what reads the Stress test sez, "Yer arteries be fine. You in Norbal Sinus Rhythm with a Left-Bundle-Branch-Block ..??" I ask for them to send me a copy of the tests. Which I look at and sez, huh??...some more...

So, I talk it over with a couple of my gas-passer buddies at the "big building of many beds", and they say what I knewd from the start, "you shore do need a second o-piniun".

So'se... I call ups and makes an appoint-ment with a feller who dun gradiated from Ukrainian Polyteknik an' he sez... "You in A-fib...you don't got no bundely-branch block, and you is gonna feel better if we can get yer ticker doin' normal-like stuf again...but u need some meds what gonna hep u do that, an' we gotta shock the bejeeezes outa you to hep that too. Whatcha think?? "50/50 chance it werks...", he sez.. So I says sure! Sounds like fun!

So Tuesday they gonna hook up the electrodes and blast away! Mebbe it'll work, maybe not... maybe I'll lick my fingurz and stick in a light sockit and save me some money!


Didn't understaand all that, but prayers for a healty outcome.


I was diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation 13 years ago. I take a pill once a day, and have had no recurrences. The doc says something else will kill me.


Hang in there, pard. Glad you finally figured out what was going on. That's 90% of any problem.


YIKES!! Prayers up for a good outcome.


I've had both immigrant and natural born 'Murrican doctors and the proportion of those who needed to buy a clue seemed slightly higher among the natives. My current doctor is Canadian, and she's one of the best. (But I have to say that. My fiancee's Canadian too.)


Glad you're getting to the bottom of things, boss. Prayers aloft for a successful outcome. Let us know how it works out.


(But if the electroshock shaves 10 seconds off your stage time, you might want to keep it to yourself.)


So you're changing your alias to "Shock?"


What if that other 50% chance happens and it doesn't work?


Wife had the de-fib done 2 1/2 years ago.. First one didn't take but the second one three days later did. No more problems.


May you have as good an outcome.


You might want to seek out an Electrophysiologist. After I had a heart attack several years ago I developed A-Fib that would come and go. The doctor that treated me for the heart attack prescribed several different meds over a period of time--none of which seemed to do me any good. He was a very experienced and respected cardiologist, but for some reason he just wouldn't listen to what I was telling him---these meds aren't working for me. My primary care doc suggested I see an electrophysioligist. After one visit he took me off the meds that the cardiologist prescribed and put me onto another med that isn't specifically for A-Fib. The first couple days on the new med were terrible as the new med was building up in my system. I felt awful. On the third day of being on that new med I felt terrific. I didn't realize how bad I had been feeling on the other meds.


Are there negatives to the new med that isn't really for A-Fib? Sure. It supposedly has affected my eyes--although I haven't noticed any difference in my sight and it has messed up my thyroid a bit so I am on thyroid meds. BUT, it is a small price to pay for feeling terrific most of the time. I've been on the new med for 8 years now.


A funny story about when I was in the hospital the first time I suffered A-Fib and didn't know what it was. The meds they gave me didn't do anything so they decided to cardio-vert (shock) me. They knocked me out and did the procedure. Apparently while I was out and they did the procedure I screamed out some rather nasty words. They did the procedure in my room and I had a roommate who was suffering from early Alzheimers. The next morning he said to me: watch out for the doctors around here. They killed the guy that was in your bed last night.


PM me if you would like to know the name of the new medication.


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