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Period Shirt Patterns & Seamstress?

Cat Brules

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I have some period fabric that I would like to have shirts made that would have been typically worn by Western frontier types of the 1870’s thru 1880’s.

Can someone steer me to authentic period shirt patterns?


Also, if I can’t find someone around here capable or willing to make the shirts, does anyone know of a good seamstress capable of making a shirts from photos and measurements?


Thanks in advance,

Cat Brules

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Buckeroo Bobbins, I'd give a link but I'm away from home on my IPad and don't seem to be able to. They set up at CVSO too

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Longshot Lillian finds many patterns from commercial suppliers: Buttericks, McCalls, etc. Often times you can find the patterns for sale on Ebay for a reasonable price. She just bought one a couple days ago for slightly over a dollar plus shipping.


We have a local chain of stores (JoAnn fabrics) that sells the patterns too and you can often times catch a sale on the patterns. Look in the manufacturer catalogs that are on tables in the store to determine the brand and pattern number. Then go to the pattern drawers and "snag" the pattern you want.

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......We have a local chain of stores (JoAnn fabrics) that sells the patterns too...

Not that local... We have JoAnns here in NYS; maybe there's one near Cat's place.

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Get hold of Shotgun Shell. She does shirts.

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Thanks, everyone for the suggestions. I've copied them and will get busy seeing what I can line up.


I have found a few period patterns but have not found anything like the photos of period shirts that I've found from museums, collections and costumer collections. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of actual patterns.


Anyway ... thanks again.


Cat Brules

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If you could post some pictures here, or PM them to me, I can take a look at the pattern vendors I know of. You might also want to wander over to Belle Alley. A number of us exchange sewing ideas, patterns, etc. You just might find the info you're looking for there.

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Also, if I can’t find someone around here capable or willing to make the shirts, does anyone know of a good seamstress capable of making a shirts from photos and measurements?


Aspen Filly is an awesome seamstress who can custom design patterns from photographs and sew up your shirt for you...she's been draping and drafting patterns around 30 years or more. She's also a Cowboy Action shooter. Her phone number is (303) 434-1204 or her email is jfantom@aol.com.

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