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JEDI GF of the YEAR: 2011

Widder, SASS #59054

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The JEDI Council was unanimous in our final choice.

The Council members are: Badlands Bud, Jed I. Knight, Possum Skinner and Widder.


Jess Ducky's reputation of helping others and being a top notch Pard, is what JEDI GFer's are made of.


But you can also add into those qualifications his proficiency as a GF and the icing on the cake was winning EOT FCGF in 2011.


There are quite a few good GFer's in our sport/game but even fewer good ones who do it FCGF style. And Jess, you've done it well.


You join an elite group of JEDI GFer's of the Year.

Manatee: 2008

Calgary Kate & Muscalaro: 2009

Lassiter: 2010


CONGRATULATIONS ONCE AGAIN and keep up 'da smoke'.







The JEDI Council was unanimous in our final choice.

The Council members are: Badlands Bud, Jed I. Knight, Possum Skinner and Widder.


Jess Ducky's reputation of helping others and being a top notch Pard, is what JEDI GFer's are made of.


But you can also add into those qualifications his proficiency as a GF and the icing on the cake was winning EOT FCGF in 2011.


There are quite a few good GFer's in our sport/game but even fewer good ones who do it FCGF style. And Jess, you've done it well.


You join an elite group of JEDI GFer's of the Year.

Manatee: 2008

Calgary Kate & Muscalaro: 2009

Lassiter: 2010


CONGRATULATIONS ONCE AGAIN and keep up 'da smoke'.





Texas Gator


A truely good shooter, and a great pard. I have had many opprutinites to shoot with him and have always enjoyed his company. Congratulations Jess.


An incredibly gifted shooter. Fun to watch and hard to beat!



Guest Chance Ramsay, SASS#18962

Congratulations! Ducky







Well, I'm not a Jedi, en'

I don't shoot Gunfighter anymore,

en' well.. I don't even shoot much anymore,

But, I have know Jess, fir' a number of years,

back afor' He wuz' Jess Ducky..

What a FINE NorthWest Cowboy, and One of the BEST

at Shootin' and Helpin' Pards too !!!

I Must Add, I Really Do Enjoy Just Watchin' Him Shoot Too !!!

I hope Y'all 'Jedi GunFighters' don't mind if'in I add..

CONGRATULATIONS to You My Friend, Jess Ducky !!!!!


Add my congrats to all those above!!


And he's a FCGF too!!! :FlagAm:



And what ladies care to comment;

My hat is off to you all!

Gawd Awful dropped me a line noting this superlative honor you have bestowed upon me,

And I was shocked. Surprised. Delighted. And, well, confused....

The list of previous honorees is a lexicon of the very best of what constitutes our sport.

The deciding committee all men of vision, dedication, passion.

And you have added me to the list.

Yes, this does confuse me.

Because I do my durndest to ruin every new shooter that comes on my range. Oh, sure, I'll teach them all about the sport, and help them get started, and encourage them when I can. But I will confess, I try my hardest to lure them away from the dry, mundane, easy life of a Cowboy shooter and get them to try...Gunfighter! And if they succumb to the siren song of ten shots quick, with a gun in every hand, they are forever ruined to any of the safer, more mundane forms of the pistolero's art.

Gunfighters are a breed apart. Not just because of their style of competition. Those of us who are not naturally ambidextrous must learn from scratch how to shoot with our off hand, then how to shoot with both hands, then how to take it to the next level and make it instinctive to shoot with both hands at the same time. What that entails is alot of failure during the learning process. And the willingness to accept that failure, and keep at it until it works. Gunfighters are tough, and they know what they are about, and they are persons of grit. I am deeply honored to be accorded one of them. Thank you. Jess




As time progressed during the past few years, the reputation of certain GFer's would make its way to the JEDI Council.


JEDI GFer's have been assigned a number of the order in which their JEDI GF status was awarded. These numbers are only assigned numerically and they are not to be construde as any type of 'ranking order'.


That being said, you're JEDI GF #78.


Feel free to add it into your SASS Wire signature line along with 'JEDI GF of the YEAR, 2011'.


Congratulations again and keep 'ruining' those other shooters.





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